Thursday, December 30, 2010
Heritage Valley Health System reaches deal to enhance electronic medical records system - Dallas Business Journal:
The gear allows Heritage’s 150 employed doctorsd to electronically transmit prescriptions and accesx patient medical records from laptopw andhandheld computers, reducing errors and streamlinin care. The industry average for buying electronic medical record systemsis $10,00 0 per doctor, although the exact amountg of the Heritage Valley contrac was not available. Previously, Heritage Valley received a $661,500 grant through healtjh insurance giant to help pay forthe upgrade.
In addition to two Heritage Valley has twosurgery centers, two cancer treatment centers and a numbed of community-based diagnostic and treatment facilities to treat patients from Beaver, Butler and Lawrence counties, and parts of West Virginiaq and Ohio. Allscripts began helping Heritage develop its electronidc recordkeeping systemin 2006. “As an integrated deliverty network, we’re relying on the Allscripts solution to help us creatre a single electronic patient record that will drive greate r integration and improvement incare delivery,” Heritage Presideng and CEO Norm Mitr y said in a preparedc statement.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Enterprise Management Solutions uses Chapter 11 to move along its sale - Austin Business Journal:
Enterprise Management, which reported $7 million in grossd revenue last year and employs 20 was in the process of selling to a larger unidentifieesoftware company. However , which is owed abouyt $760,000, as well as (NYSE: BMC), its majot software licensor, have been dragging theirf feet causing the sale to come to a a lawyer representing the company inbankruptcy “They had a loan with Bank of America, and some issu e arose with the bank, and that just createed issues elsewhere,” said Michael Markham of Johnson Pope Bokoer Ruppel & Burns.
Enterprise was “kine of caught in the getting pressure from Bank of Americwa and pressure from BMC while at the same time tryingt to negotiatethis sale.” Enterprisde Management claims assets of up to $1 million and liabilities of up to $100 In a case management summary filed with the ’e Middle District of Florida, Enterprise said it has less than $800,000p in secured claims and about $2.6 million in unsecurerd claims. If the sale was allowes to closeand Enterprise’s customer base was preserved, the companyt believes all of its creditors woulcd be paid.
“The bankruptcty process often just levels the playing field to have people working together, instead of everyone negotiating to get as much as they can from a limitedc resource,” Markham said. Even with the all three sides are still negotiating towara sale, and the initial responsd from both the bank and BMC, a Housto software developer with more than $1.7 billioh in revenue in fiscal 2008, has been Markham said.
“This is an action we hope to wrap up fast with our wholed focus tosimply consummate” the asset sale, he “When you’re trying to sell someone’e collateral and you’re trying to get someone’s consent to assigbn their contract, sometimes they just need a littlwe nudge to provide that consent. That’s what I’ hoping this process will do.” Enterprise Management was foundee in 1999 and is owned by Adam It provides business service management products and consulting to companiesd suchas (NYSE: JNJ), and (Nasdaq: JBLU), according to the company’s Web “If we didn’t take this we would’ve ended up with a canceled contracty [from BMC], a foreclosure [from Bank of America] and a closed business,” Markham said.
“The primaryt asset of a consulting business isits consulting, so if that kind of thinb goes dark, then you have zero This way, we hope everyone can come out of this with
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Amanda Garcia, Calvin Knox make fast starts -
Amanda Garcia, Calvin Knox make fast starts For many, it's their first exposure to the indoor meet, with crowded gymnasiums and tighter, shorter laps than in outdoor track. For others it's a chance to ... |
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Seattle is nation
California’s Silicon Valley “continues to lead all otherf metropolitan regions in North America in the breadtuh and scope of economic activity it createw throughtechnological innovation,” according to the Milken Institut report, called “North America’s High-Tech Economy: The Geography of Knowledge-Base Industries.” In the previous Milken studyh in 2003, Seattle was ranke d third behind Silicon Valley and Boston.
The studyt ranked the metropolitan areas based onseverap factors, including the number of employees in the various high-tecgh fields, salaries paid, and the relativre size of the industryh compared to the entire It ranked the metros in 19 high-tec business categories. Using data from the study indicates thatthe high-tech industry providef $22.3 billion in wages in the Seattle-Bellevue-Everetgt area and employed 226,000 people in 2007. In the sub-categor y of software publishing, the Seattle area ranke d No. 1 nationally, with that high-tecuh industry employing 46,318 people who earned wages of morethan $7 billio in 2007.
Seattle also ranked high in the aerospace productt and partsmanufacturing sub-category, with 76,148 peoplde earning $6.69 billion in 2007. “Lik most of the economy, the high-tech sector has takenn a beating in the last six but recent numbers show that thesse cuts may be leveling off and the sector could be primes to once again be an enginde of sustainable growth when recovery begins to take Cities withstrong high-tech bases will perform best as the economy recovers because the jobs generated by thesed fields pay so well,” accordinhg to the Milken study. Following Silicon Seattle and Boston in the overall results of thestudy 4. Washington, D.C. area; 5. Los Angeles 6.
Dallas area; 7. San Diegol area; 8. Santa Ana/Anaheim, Calif. area; 9. New York City 10. San Francisco area. An executive summarh of the report
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Jim Ryan, Ryan Cos. CEO, dies at 66 - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Jim Ryan, the CEO of , died Thursday morning. 66, had been battling melanoma cancer for the past 10 During his career he helped builrdRyan Cos. into one of the largestf construction and development firmsin Minnesota. Jim becamde CEO of the company in when he took over for hisfatherr Russell. He also was an active philanthropist. He helped establishj the and , both in south Minneapolix in 2007. Pat Ryan, Jim’a cousin and business partnet is expected to succeed Jim as CEO ofthe Minneapolis-basedx firm, which had 2008 revenue of more than $1 billion.
In a Pat Ryan said, “Jim’s goal was not to build the biggestg buildings or be the largest His goal was to build charactefr inhis employees, build confidence in our customersa and to build better This world would be a better place if there were more CEOs with Jim Ryan’ss values.” Jim is survived by his wife of 37 yearas Colleen, children Molly (Mike) Carson, Maggie Allen, Kate (Zach) Hegman, Tim, Nell, Dan, Sean and and six grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are Among hismany honors, Ryan of the Business Journa l ’s Best in Real Estatse Career Achievement Award.
Jim Campbell, a retired Wells Fargo executive and friendd of 25 yearssaid he's never known a more solidf and wholesome guy than Jim "I've never ever heard anyone say a negative word abourt Jim Ryan, and that's from a wide variety of sources." Ryan alwaysx had a vision for what could be done, Campbellk said. The former Sears building on Lake Street in Minneapoliz thatRyan Cos. helped transform into the MidtownbExchange mixed-use project is a great example of his "That building sat with the lights out for 10 yeard and he always had faith that somehow it would come together," Campbelll said. Despite so many challenges to that project, Ryan just kept plowinfg ahead.
Campbell said Ryan Cos. is well situater to succeed in the future due to its strongtfamily culture. "These are interesting times forall businesses, and Ryan is committed to keep going forwards just in the way that Jim had alwayzs envisioned."
Friday, December 17, 2010
LandMar files for bankruptcy - Washington Business Journal:
The Jacksonville-based residential development company was among 125 affiliatez that filed along with itsparent Charlotte-based , in the Western District of Crescent’s estimated liabilities are more than $1 according to the filing, and its larges t debt, at $13.6 million, is to Bank of The filing was necessary, according to a statementt on Crescent’s Web site, for the compangy to reorganize its finances, reduced its debt level and improve its capital structure.
Crescentr intends to operate its continuing businesses without any significant interruption during the restructuring process becausew of a recentlyobtaines debtor-in-possession financing facility of $110 millio from a group of its existinb lenders, according to the Andrew Hede, Crescent’s chief restructuring officer, has been named CEO whil e its former chief executive, Arthur Fields, has retired and will work with Crescen in an advisory capacity.
“Wde have been in active discussiones with our lenders and other stakeholderas as we work towardes an agreement that will bring our capital structurre in line with the currenteconomix environment,” Hede said in a statement on the company’sw Web site. Charlotte-based Crescent has been pursuintg alternatives to shore up its balance sheet for including selling some of its The company is jointly ownedby DUK) and Morgan Stanley and has 38 residentiakl communities under development in the Georgia, Texas, Arizona and Florida.
Crescen acquired a controlling interest in LandMar in butleft LandMar’s founder, Ed in control of the company until he resignede after a failed attempt to buy back the companyt in 2007. The Jacksonville Economic Development Commission authorizexd city lawyers in May to starr the foreclosure process onthe 41-acre parcel that was to be the Plans for the Shipyards included 1 millionj square feet of office space, 100,000 squarr feet of commercial space, 662 residential units, 350 hotel rooms and 150 marina slips. LandMar has developecd or had plans to developl dozens more properties in Florida and throughoutthe Southeast.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
As recession grows, more Seattle work goes into development limbo - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Two dozen construction projects in Seattle are stalled due to the according to a tally bythe city. They’rre not getting any prettier. Insteasd of gaining a grocery storde ornew homes, neighborhoods are inheriting holes in the grounrd and half-finished buildings. The list the first count by thecity —includeds more than $40 million wortgh of projects and hundreds of thousands of squarwe feet of space, ranging from condominiun developments to retail projects. The projects hail from the hearg of Ballard and the edges ofQueen Anne. Many have been sittinf untouched for more thana year.
It’s the first time in decadeds that Seattle has compiled sucha list, but it took the step this sprinvg to try to assess the effect of the credity market’s collapse on the Puget Sound real estatwe market. Inspectors conducted an informal survey to find potentiallu stalled sites and to make sure they are kept cleajand safe. “This is unusual — definitely,” said Alan deputy director of the Seattle Department of Planningand “You just don’t see things stalol very often in Seattle.” “In recent decades we haven’t had anythinyg like this.” The number of stalled projects couldx grow substantially, especially if the recession worsens.
Another 400 projecta are awaiting initialcity approval. Some of thoss have had little activity inreceny months, and it remains unclearr how many of those ultimately could be stalled or Justad said. The city is offeringh to extend the approval period for up totwo “We just do not want to close the on projects, Justad said. “The question is whetherf they want to put on hold or cancel the Developers of the 24 projecta identified as stalled have shelled out atleasg $400,000 for permits and fees — and that doesn’ include thousands of dollars in fees they’ve paid to othert city departments, Justad said. Those fees are nonrefundable.
City official plan to help these struggling developers keep theitrpermits active, Justad said. That way, when the real estater market doesturn around, they’ll be ready to go again. Untilo then, many of them are just waiting. While the 24 staller projects comparewith 1,800 that appeaf to be going ahead, the number is highlg indicative of the weak developmenft market, Justad said. The causes of the stallzs are familiar. Some developers are struggling with financin as local banks cut back on realestats lending. Others are facing foreclosure with no hope of sellinbg or finishingtheir property. Some can’t even sell the land becauser of the steep dropin prices.
The Puget Sound Business Journal phoned every develope identified bythe city. Many did not return calls. At least one disputed his projectrwas stalled. “We continue to work on it — we haven’tg stopped,” said Michael Mastro, who’s developing 301 apartments on the formet Leilani Lanes bowling alley site on GreenwoodrAvenue North. Some of the eyesore are more recognizablethan others: the failed Hotel 1 condominiun project in downtown Seattle, which has developed into a giantt pit next to the Macy’z parking garage, and the site of the former Ballard Denny’s restaurant are on the list. Otherzs are less obvious.
Developer Paul Guzman was buildinga six-stort condo building near Queen Anne until his financing from Everett-based fell through. Now the 70 percent complete, is in foreclosure and Guzman has filedr forpersonal bankruptcy. Frontier is struggling with bad real estats loans and is operating under stricrtregulatory enforcement. The bank doesn’t commenrt on individual lending relationships. “At a certain point I realizedthey weren’t going to give me the said Guzman. “(The project) just got delayed and delayes again.” The stalled projects are in various stagesa ofthe city’s permitting process.
Some developers, like , have full permitz but are fighting a bad realestatwe market. The developer planned to builxa three-story, 12-unit condo building on Capitoo Hill with all the green amenitiee that have become wildly popular in Seattle. Working with a $5 millio construction loan fromSeattle Bank, Great Northerbn tore down several existing buildings on the land and then the real estate market came to a screeching said Ed Gallaudet, owner of the company.
Earlh last year, Seattle Bank “put the brakesw on the project,” said Now the land has been sitting for over a year and Gallaudetr is exploring his He could try to builds fewer units and price themat $500,000, about $100,000 less than he originally Or he could sell the land at a stee p discount. “We have to figure out how to builc a product and make less money on said Gallaudet. “And do we need another 12 unitss on the marketright now?
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Government and Private Sector Executives Gather to Launch Administrative Law ... - San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Government and Private Sector Executives Gather to Launch Administrative Law ... San Francisco Chronicle (press release) Paul R. Verkuil, ACUS Chairman, today announced the 53rd Plenary Session of the Administrative Conference of the United States will be held December 9-10, ... |
Thursday, December 9, 2010
FDA threatens to revoke Immucor's reagents license - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The Norcross-based company, which makews and supplies blood-reagent systems to the bloodf transfusion industry, did not immediately returbn a callfor comment. The news sent Immucor’ stocj into a swoon. It fell more than $2.30, or nearlu 15 percent, by mid-afternoon Friday. The , in an administrative actionj based on an early January 2009 issued a notice of intent torevoke Immucor’z biologics license with respect to its Reageng Red Blood Cells and Anti-r (Monoclonal) Blood Grouping Reagent product, the company said in a statement.
The FDA has not ordererd the recall of any ofthe company's Immucor, which has 10 days to respond to the FDA, said it spenft more than $2 million duringb fiscal 2009 on improving quality systems and it expectds to spend up to $4.5 milliojn in fiscal 2010. In late Immucor said it got a subpoena fromthe . The subpoenaz asked for documents for the periodbeginninv Sept. 1, 2000 through the present, pertaining to an investigation of possible violations of the federal criminakl antitrust laws in the blood reagents In 2007, the company paid a $30,000p settlement to the related to chargees of improper payments Immucor's Italian subsidiary allegedly made to an Italianh physician.
That same year, the asked the companyu for certain documents and information about threre acquisitions the company made from 1996 to 1999 regarding producytpricing activities.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
CareWorks deal for Plannet Group shines amid dull economy - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
, a homegrown tech company with agrowintg clientele, was acquired May 21 by Dublin-basex , which plans to add high-paying jobs to support the purchase over the coming year. Terms of the deal betweejn the privately heldcompanies weren’t disclosed. The sale also freew Plannet Group founder Jim Mazotas to startr another tech operation that could begin hiring over the coming yearas well. “This firsg rush to the finish line enderd on apositive note,” Mazotas said. “And it looka like there is going to be another one past The 39-year-old Mazotas has been running the race for seve n years. He founded Plannet Group in 2002 to developl network security andmanagement software.
He startedc the business after becoming unhappy with the direction of the software development company where hadhe worked. Mazotase decided to focus on developing a program that coulds help computer network managers visually manage their rather than forcing them to searcnh through lines of code for He called the program Mission Controll and financed Plannet Groupwith $70,000 from savings and a secon d mortgage. He focused on government clients – including the city of Columbua and CuyahogaCounty – because of the large computert networks they maintain.
Mazotas also moved into the gaming industry in Marchh after signing a contractwith , owner of the Indianwa Live Casino outside Indianapolis. Mission Control is what attractedeCareWorks Technologies, said President Todd Cameron. Part of the CareWorksx Family of Companies, a workers’ compensationh management companyin Dublin, CareWorks Technologiesw provides information technology services to a broader clien base than the parent company. Cameron said the additionj of Plannet Group and its services shouled increase revenue at CareWorks Technologies by 25 percenytthis year, although he declined to be specific aboug either company’s financials.
“We hope it grows exponentiall after that,” Cameron said. “(Mazotas) doesn’t have a sales team at all andwe do. It’ss a diamond in the Mazotas said the lack of a sales team athis 10-employeed company was one of the reasons he decidecd to sell. He said the firm reached a “tippinh point” in early 2008 after hearing interest from other companiees looking to purchasePlannet Group, includinb one from out of state. “Should we continue as we were or take the next Mazotas said. “We wanted to get (Plannet Group) to the maturitgy that could be found by linking up with a company like CareWorks.
” It’s fortunate for the region and its tech communith that a local companh bought Plannet Group, said Ted Ford, CEO of , the industryt advocacy group that housed Plannet Group at its businesds incubator from 2005 to 2008. “If you define success as keepinf jobs in the area and continuinf with a foundationfor growth, then this is a Ford said. “The goal is to grow technologyhjobs here, and Columbus is becomingh a very good place to do that sort of All of Plannet Group’s Hilliard-based employees have joined CareWorks in Dublinn and, over the next year, likely will be joined by five to 10 Cameron said.
Those jobs likely will pay between $70,000 and $100,000 a year. Whilre Mazotas is joining CareWorks, he does so as a consultant. His primary focus will be on his nextventur – . Mazotas is building OnGuard aroune a behavioral analysis security tool that flags suspicious patternd that could harm a computer A patent is being sought on the Mazotas said, and CareWorks Technologies has investedd in the new business. By the time the product is ready for general releasein 2010, Mazotasx hopes to have a 25- to 30-worker Mazotas hopes he will be tellingh a similar story a year from now. “Irt just goes to show that little guys can have a home he said. “Even in this economy.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Gov't offers new rules for rear visibility in cars - BusinessWeek (KNXV-TV) | Gov't offers new rules for rear visibility in cars BusinessWeek The government is proposing new rules Friday aimed at improving rear visibility standards for cars. The Transportation Department is concerned ... Government Proposal to Make Cars and Trucks Safer by 2014 Feds would require backup cameras by 2014 Gov't offers new rules for rear visibility in cars |
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Funding for river dredging clears subcommittee - Jacksonville Business Journal:
However, the attempt to get the authorization ofthe $46. 3 million deepening of the river has been sidetracked after Virginiqa politicians added an amendment tothe U.S. House’s versionb of the National Defense Authorization Act that stripped the There is still a good chance that local senators will be able to get the fundinvg for the project authorized so that when the two billas are merged Mayport fundingis “The Navy has made it clear it wantse an alternate East Coast locatioj for a nuclear carrier 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in case of an said Congressman Ander Crenshaw in a news The dredging project and Charlie Pier upgradesd make that national security goal It is possible for the deepening project to go forward even if it only receives the funding through the Fiscal Year 2010 Militar Construction, Veterans Affairs and Relatef Affairs Appropriations bills and doesn’yt get the okay through the defense act.
But it will make the procesd more difficult. The fina l version of the act is expectede to be passedin October. In its curreng form, the following projects will also receive fundint through theMilitary Construction, Veterans Affairs and Relateds Affairs Appropriations bill: • $26.4 million for a Naval Station Mayport fitness training facility. • $3.7 milliobn for the port operations center atthe U.S. Marine Corpws Blount Island Command. • $11.5 millio to replace fuel tanks at the Jacksonville Defense Logistics AgencyFuel Farm. • $5.9 millionn to modify Naval AirStatiojn Jacksonville’s new P-8A hangars.