Friday, April 29, 2011

Police Probe Officer-Involved Shooting In Md. - WBAL Baltimore

Police Probe Officer-Involved Shooting In Md.

WBAL Baltimore

A fugitive team that included Deputy Gregory Simpler of the Dorchester County Sheriff's Office and Officer Kevin Larkin of the Salisbury Police Department were searching for Clarence Cornish, 32, of Cambridge. Authorities said Cornish was spotted in a ...

Shot Fired as Task Force Catches Home-Invasion Suspect


Police officer shoots tire on car of fleeing fugitive

Baltimore Sun (blog)


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bay Area names top stimulus priorities - Portland Business Journal:
Projects ranked among the highest in the plan cover a wide range of proposalsincluding high-speed rail construction, extendinb the BART line to San Jose and borinvg another roadway in the East Bay’s Caldecott Together, the highest-priority projects are seekinyg more than $7 billion in stimulus The priority list also includes a new stem cell researcy facility at the in Marin energy efficiency and solar retrofits of publidc and other buildings in San San Francisco and Oakland; energy conversions to LED streetlights; transit-oriented developmenty projects and workforce training and placement for laid-offv employees.
“This plan is designexd to maximizeour region’s share of federaol stimulus funding and otheer state support that will benefit the Bay Area in both the near and said Sean Randolph, CEO of the , which was chargeed with compiling the list. The top 85 projects were classifiedxas “strategic” priorities for the Bay Another 72 projects were considered but given a slightly lowed ranking because they did not have the scale or regionalo impact of the most highluy ranked suggestions.
Those projects include things like a desalination projectg in the Montara Water and Sanitary building a clean technology demonstration manufacturing center in San Jose and outfitting Burlingame city buildings with solar The plan, which can be found onlin e at, was the culmination of a three-montbh vetting process. The report was sent to the . That stats agency, which requested that other metropolitan regions around the stater submitsimilar plans, will now take all thoses plans and help coordinate with citiees and counties to lobby the federal government on behalf of certainn projects.
“This is to get people on the same page to minimizr the food fight where you have partws of the state compete against one saidDale Bonner, head of the California Business Transportation and Housing “What we’re doing is acting as a facilitatore to help identify the best” The list’s authors said they hoped that rankin g projects would help the region get more stimulud money. “The Bay Area is the only regioh in California that actuallyu attemptedto prioritize,” Randolphh said. “We think that’s important.
We thinkm that will make us more successful ingetting attention, in gettinv those resources for those very high value Projects on the Economic Institute’s wish list could be in for a big About $30 billion in federal stimulus money will be divvied up in Sacramento before goinv to various regions around California. Anotherr $20 billion is expected to be distributee directly in the state by federal officials on a discretionary The chance to get dollard from the federal stimulus program led to a flurruof proposals. Bay Area authorities sifted throughn almost570 suggestions.
To make the cut, projects were supposee to spurjob growth, have regional impact and align with state programe and priorities, among other criteria. The Economic Institute calledc upon local experts in specificf fields to judge proposals that fit at least one ofsevehn categories: transportation, water, energy/climate, workforce trainingg and education, business development, science and innovationb or housing. The vast majority of projects that made it to theEconomidc Institute’s short list were from government agencies. A range of companiezs sought federal stimulus, too, saying that their service woulr help boost thebroader economy.
For a Berkeley-based firm called Picture it Sold soughf stimulus money to franchiseits home-staging “We’re ready to move ahead with this plan the company wrote in its proposal, “and we’ll help thousandsx of families and the whole economy to recover.” The company’ idea did not make the Economic Institute’s highest priority cut. But an appendix to the Economifc Institute’s wish list includes every proposaklit received.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Report: GM bankruptcy expected as early as this week - Houston Business Journal:
The newspaper quoted sources familiar with the discussions betweenGM GM) and President Barack Obama's administration, and said the government is expectedc to steer the automakerf toward filing either later this week, or in the first week of The investment of up to $30 billiob is said to be somethingv that could change, but at that amount it woulr bring the federal government's investment in GM to nearluy $45 billion. The government wouled have a 50 percen stake ina new, more competitive GM. A deal to take GM into bankruptcyt comes as the newspaper also quoted sources in the industry as saying could come out of bankruptcyu as early asnext week.
GM reached a deal with the Unitef Auto Workers May 21 for concessions to its labot contract as part of its plan to seek dealx with its unionand bonholders. The talkw with bondholders are believed tobe continuing. Both GM and Chryslet have accepted billions in federal bailout funds and have announced a combinecnearly 1,900 dealerships would be cut as they trim their dealer franchise numbers and make cuts to theidr workforces. (NYSE: F) is the only member of Detroit'sd Big Three automakers not to accept federallbailout funds.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Survey: Most Ohio college students plan to leave - Dayton Business Journal:
The institute conducted an online survey of 811 juniors and seniors in Februarhyand March, along with threed focus groups. The studente were from Case Western Reserve, Kent State Miami University, Oberlin College, Ohio State University, Ohio Universitty and the Universityof Dayton. The 58 percent – 51 percent of in-stated students and 79 percentof out-of-statde students – said they will look elsewherer for jobs after graduation. Amongv the findings: • 89 percent said they want to live in a placwe where good jobsare available, but only 11 percent rated Ohio’s job prospects as “excellent.
” • Thosew expecting to leave after graduation also cited cultura and leisure activities as important indicatord of where to live. • 74 percentf want a job with good opportunities for pay and while 53 percent thought a job that offered ongointg new challenges wasmore important. • 61 percent want a job with goodretirementr benefits, while 14 percent said a unionized job woulds be a deciding factor. • Most said job experience likeinternships (60 percent), co-op programes (53 percent) and opportunities to meet with Ohio companies (52 would help keep them at home; 65 percent said Ohio shoulcd offer a 10-year state income tax crediyt to remain in the state.
“We need our best and brightest to invesf their energy and futurr in Ohio to generate theeconomixc vigor, new technologies and other economic developments that will spur the progreszs we need to modernize and said Terry Ryan, the institute’s vice presidengt for Ohio programs and policy, in a news release. The Thomasw B. Fordham Institute is an education policuy think tank with offices in Daytohnand Washington, D.C.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Free Chick-fil-A meal on July 10 - Memphis Business Journal:
The giveaway is part of the Atlanta-based chain’s fifth-annual Cow Appreciationn Day, which honors its "Eaty Mor Chikin" Cows. In a related promotion, parents can entef photos of their cow-clad children as part of a "Show Us the Cow" online phot o contest, for a chances to win a $1,000 U.S. Savings Bond. Betweenn now and Aug. 31, children ages 10 and youngert are encouraged to work with an adult to submirt creative photos of themselves dressed as The contestWeb site,, has details about uploadingf photos for the contest. Once the picturews are uploaded, the public can vote for their favoritew photothrough Aug. 31.
The 20 photographs that get the most Internet votes will be named Fromthe semifinalists, Chick-fil-A will select five finaliste and one grand prize winner based on overallk quality, appearance, originality, creativity and The entrant's age will be taken into account for Chick-fil-A said. The grand prize winner will receiveda U.S. Series EE Savings Bond with a maturity valueof $1,000, a catered party for theif classroom, free Chick-fil-A Kid's Meals for a year and a digital camera, among other gifts. Also each Kid's Meal from June 22 to July 25 will include miniatureCow figurines, whilde supplies last.
One out of every 100 of the cows will have gold spotds instead of the traditional black spots and will be package with a card redeemablew for a freeIce cream.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wind turbine firm to create 100 jobs in Darke County - Dayton Business Journal:
Greenville-based , which has six is embarking ona $1 million project that will createw 100 jobs within three the state announced Tuesday. The is awarding a 50 perceng job creation tax credit fora six-yearr term to LAH Development, worth $390,880, beginningb in January. LAH had been heavg into engineering, site development and buildinh fabrication. But it is morphing to engineering, manufacturingy and installation of wind turbinw assemblies on windfarm sites, according to the Darke County Commissioner Michael Rhoades said the project has been wrappex in secrecy.
Rhoades suspected the projectg was related to wind farms becausde three wind turbine companies have suddenly began courtingg farmers in Arcanum and Union City to coverf farm land into wind The Darke County Board of Commissioners also is providingabouf $188,000 for workforce training of about 120 according to state records. The funding slid into place after word came about three weeks ago of a potential renewablwenergy project.
The news prompted the county, city and statre to lock arms and bring the projecrt to Ohio as opposed to numerous statesincludinhg Illinois, Montana, Colorado, Arizona and Missouri, officials Greenville Mayor Michael Bowersz declined to comment about the projecty until he could reach the company for The maestro of the project is Greg Hart, a Dark County entrepreneur, Rhoades said. Hart could not be reachedr for comment.
LAH will purchas e an existing facilityin Greenville, with a five-year leasr to engineer, manufacture, install and manage wind turbines on wind farm sited while selling the power to according to the LAH plans to hire wind turbine presw operators, back office information technology and research and developmentg employees for the proposed project, according to the The average wage of the new jobs will be $22.3 per hour, plus $5.83 per hour in according to the state.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Cutting dealers not likely to save Chrysler much money - Charlotte Business Journal:
Both Chrysler and , whichj plans to close 1,100 dealerships by October 2010, contend they need to reducs the size of theirf dealer networks to be more competitivew with Toyotaand Honda. The Japaneser companies sell more cars in the Unitexd States with farfewer Chrysler, in a bankruptcy court filing, says trimming the ranks of its dealers will boosr the profitability of the dealers that enabling them to invest in improvementa that will boost sales. “After a period of and substantially improved marketingand investments, overalp sales in the reduce network are anticipated to grow beyond current sales levels withihn the existing network,” Chrysler contends.
That’s highluy unlikely, according to the . “There’s not an auto executivee that I know ofthat doesn’t acknowledger that when a dealership closes, they lose marker share,” says David Hyatt, NADA’s vice president of publixc affairs. Cutting costs was not a major factorin Chrysler’s decision. The automaker will save some administrative expenses by havinyg a smaller dealer network to oversee, but that’s about it. Dealerx buy their cars before the vehicles leave the factory, pay for shipping, front the cost of any rebates or warranty work, and purchasw repair equipment.
Dealers provide “as robust distribution network at virtuallyhno cost” to automakers, Hyatt “We’re an asset, not a says Wade Walker, an auto dealer in Montpelier, Vt., who is scheduled to lose his Jeep franchise June 9. Walker and abouy 300 other Chrysler dealers have challengefdthe automaker’s request for a bankruptcy judg e to terminate their dealership agreementw and pre-empt state laws that woule require Chrysler to give dealer more time to wind down theit businesses. Chrysler has been working to reduce its dealetr network forseveral years.
However, that proces needs to be accelerated because of its proposed alliancedwith Fiat, it Bankruptcy courts routinely terminate contracts if doinbg so benefits the debtor’s estate and is an exercis e of sound business judgment, Chrysler states in its But Chrysler dealers contend abruptly closing dealerships doesn’t meet that “There is no evidence that by rejecting dealership agreements New Chryslefr will save money to any material degree or enhance its competitivew position in the automobile industry,” statesx a filing made by the .
“To the closing dealers narrows distributioj andreduces Chrysler’s sales and incomde as fewer dealers buy fewer cars and retaiol sales are lost to other brands.” Chrysler’s bankruptcg judge is scheduled to hold a hearing on that issuwe June 3. That same day, the Senatw Commerce Committee is set to hold a hearinb on the Chrysler and GMdealership closings. “Theses companies cannot be allowed to take taxpayerf funds fora bailout, and then leavwe local dealers and their customers to fend for themselvesw with no real notice and no real says committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.).
“Wre must ensure that the auto dealerx are treated equitably and have the opportunity to unwind theie operations in a manner that will minimize hardshipsa to employees who lose their jobs and communities that areadverselty impacted,” says Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchisoj (R-Texas). Hutchison is encouraged by a promiss from Chrysler PresidentJames Press, who told her the company wouls help the terminated dealers sell their inventory. If that assistanc falls short, Hutchison is prepared to push legislatio that would give the dealerships 60 more daysbefore closing.
auto dealers and members of Congress are lobbyingf President Barack Obama and his automotive task force to reconsider the wisdokm of closing so many dealershipsso quickly.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sarah Palin Gets the E! True Hollywood Story Treatment -

Sarah Palin Gets the E! True Hollywood Story Treatment

She's no Anna Nicole Smith, but Sarah Palin will soon be immortalized by the über-dramatic, scandal-ridden pop phenomenon that is E! True Hollywood Story. Since hitting the national stage back in 2008, Palin has attracted more controversy than Britney ...

and more »

Monday, April 11, 2011

MySpace slashes international staff - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The move to reduce international employment by 150 comea on the heels of the announcement that MySpace is cuttinhgits U.S. jobs by 30 percent, or aboutf 420 jobs. MySpace last month was passerd in global market share byPalo Alto-baserd , but still leads in the number of uniqure visitors to its Web site in the U.S. MySpace CEO Owen Van Nattas was hired in April to try to revivew the socialnetworking site. The divisio n that includes MySpace postedan $89 millionh loss in the most recenf quarter.
"As we conducted our review of the it was clearthat internationally, just as in the MySpace's staffing had becomd too big and cumbersome to be sustainable in curreng market conditions," Van Natta said in a statemenf Tuesday. After the jobs cuts, MySpace will have aboutt 1,150 workers, compared to Facebook's global work forcw of about 850.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A-T Solutions buys Accelligence - Washington Business Journal:
The Vienna-based provider of intelligenceand mission-focused service s to organizations in the government and intelligence community will become a wholly-owned subsidiart of A-T Solutions. Terms of the transaction werenot disclosed. “We are very excited to embark on this new saidKen Falke, A-T Solutions CEO. “By combininy the experience, expertise and capabilities of A-T Solutionz and Accelligence, each company is now better positioned to provide the highest levelsof mission-critical support and to offerr the full continuum of global security offerings to our Accelligence will remain in Vienna and retain its name, logo and The companies will work to offert strategic, operational, technical and tactical services around the Founded in 2002, Fredericksburg-based A-T Solutionxs is part of McLean-based federal technologyg group CoVant Technologies LLC.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Obama mixes politics, policy - Allentown Morning Call

metal doors

Allentown Morning Call

Obama mixes politics, policy

Allentown Morning Call

FAIRLESS HILLS â€" President Barack Obama shed his sports coat, rolled up his sleeves and struck a personal tone with a sport utility vehicle owner at a town hall Wednesday in Lower Bucks. "If you're complaining about the price of gas and you're only ...

and more »

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Top 10 tech gifts - Dayton Business Journal:
1. Slingbox SOLO: For the traveling the Slingbox can convert anyairportt terminal, hotel lobby or boringg conference into a TV room with the aid of a laptop or mobile handheld. It allows people to watcg and control theirhome TV, cable DVR, satellit or DVD player--including HD content--from anywherse in the world with an Internet connection. The Slingbodx stays at home, plugged into the TV and an Internet "That's what I want for said Shane Imwalle, senior vice president of clientt servicesfor "I was in Dubau and the TV stunk. Therse is only so much you could do and they were watchingh high jumping and Ping It would be cool to have that atmy fingertips." $180 2.
N95: This new smartphon is a shining example ofFinnish engineering, usurping othere smartphones for those who aren't beinb handed a Blackberry from the companu coffers or don't want to sign up for a servics plan. It boasts a 5-megapixel camera that can alsorecord video, has a robust mediaz player with a 3.5mm headphone jack, a dual-slider desig and integrated satellite-based navigation, Wi-Fi, and . $550 to 3. : We've all done it. Someone hand s over a business card that ends up shovedf away ina drawer, only to vanish among a sea of similar rectanglees when needed.
Luckily, the palm-sized CardScan scans them in aboufive seconds, allowing users to synchroniz e their contacts with Outlook, Windowz mobile devices and smartphones. Moreover, CardScanm offers free online storage space, allowing userz to access their contact roster from any Internet Debbie Yount, executive assistant to Bill Pardue, chiec executive officer at , said she uses it all the "I was afraid I would have to make a lot of Yount said. "But it does a reallgy good job of recognizingthe $150 to $250. 4. Passport (250 GB): Though the catalog is valued ataround $1.
6 this 250-gigabyte portable hard drive lets folks carryt the entire volume inside their coat pocket for about The handheld portable hard drive comexs in an assortment of colors that requires no It connects via a USB port into a Mac or PC and can easilyg store 60,000 plus songs. The humongous storage space is also convenienr for backing up information from personal or companynotebook computers, while easily allotting extrs space to store the first seasob of "The Office." $140 to 5. iPhone: No tech list is completew withoutan product, and the iPhone is representing in The iPhone has set a new benchmarmk for an integrated cell phonre and MP3 player.
The device features a sleei and intuitive touchpad interface. Userws can surf the Web, watch movies, even sort througg voice messages visually to avoi repeated calls from nosy The catch, of is that the phone is only officially available through . $399 with two-yearr contract. 6. headphones: As breathtaking as the nighttimw view from atop the Empire State Buildingg is onthe eyes, Ultimate Ears headphones might be the audil equivalent. The " 10 model, for example, has three tiny speakers in each earphone, delivering crazy-quality sound in most any environment, includinyg noisy airplanes. $400. 7.
PDP-5080HD TV: Whether one enjoyd the Ultimate Fighting Championships or wants to be as close as they canto "McDreamy's" manicured stubble -- high-def TV is the way to do it. Accordinfg to the tech expertsat , there is no bette r way to do it than with the 50-inchu Pioneer PDP-5080HD. The magazine touts the sleek TV's clarity and quality saying it produces one of the best picturea its staff hasever $2,500 to $3,500. 8. LifeBook P1610 Notebook PC: Weighinh a mere 2.2 pounds, this mini-tablet PC packs a lot of powe in an extremelytiny package. With an 8.
9 inch which can flip "tablet" styld to use a stylus to navigats Web sitesand applications, the Lifebook also has oversizes keys, making it easy to type despite the smallp footprint. Available with 1 gigabyte of RAM and an 80GB hard powered by acapable 1.20 GHz low-voltage the mini notebook computer is a great choice when mobility is preferred over obtrusive power -- and the shoulderd strain that comes along with it. $1,300 to $2,300. 9. Apple MacBookj Pro: With the advent of Boot Camp -- a free downloaf that runs Windows XP onMacs -- the uses for Applse computers have opened up considerably for the high-powered MacBoook Pro.
Available with a 15- and 17-inch housed in an aluminum shell, the MacBook's 2.16-GHz Intelo Core-Duo processor, ample video card and 2GB of RAM will let usersz run more applications than there are uses forduct $2,000 to $2,800 10. QuickCamk Pro 9000 webcam: With the proliferation of free videoiconference applications, all one needw to communicate face to face from afar is a decenft webcam. The Pro 9000 is consistently considered amont the top options and fits well atop a notebookj LCD or on adesktop computer. Once try downloading ooVoo, a standalone desktop application that has both a text and videlochat capabilities.
It's free and enabless smooth video conference with up to six different JP Nauseef, CEO of the , said ooVoo is his applicationj of choice. "I used the technology to communicate with board members andfamily -- with no he said. $80 to $100.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Newly unemployed slow to apply for federal COBRA subsidy - Philadelphia Business Journal:
West Palm Beach-based notified furloughed employees by letter as required by changesa in the Consolidated Omnibu s BudgetReconciliation Act. The changes to COBRqA were a mandate of the American Recover andReinvestment Act, which President Barack Obama signef into law on Feb. 17. Abourt 125 South Floridians – out of 1,03r who were notified – enrolled in the program that provides a 65 percentf federal subsidyon premiums, whicn are fronted by the employer and reimbursex through a tax credit. More applied, but did not qualify because their exit from their former companywas voluntary, they were laid off prio to Sept.
1, 2008, or they made more moneyg than the cap federalofficials set, said Barbarsa Drames, Oasis’ senior director of benefits. Oasis absorbs the cost for itsemployef clients, which would otherwise have been spending $74,000 a monty on furloughed COBRA coverage, she said. Drames’ clienf companies – which include law and CPA firms, and those that make moneyu fromhospitality – range in size from five employees to 3,00p0 employees.
She said the feedbacl from laid-off employees has been very but there is a lot of confusion aboutwho Oasis’ client companies are also “Our employers are happy because the tax liability is taken on by Oasis,” she The new regulations require employerx with 20 or more employees to cove r 65 percent of COBRA costs for nine months. The provisions in the stimulusd legislation affect those who were and will be involuntarily terminateddbetween Sept. 1, 2008, and Dec. 31, 2009. Thoswe eligible include former employees and their the latter being eligible if they were coverer prior tothe termination, said Rachel president and CEO of in Miami.
Therew is no subsidy for individuals earning morethan $145,0090 a year or joint filers making more than Ineligible individuals who receive the subsiduy must repay it through incom taxes. For Sapoznik, the response from the pool of prospectiver COBRA recipients has been highert than thatof Oasis, but stilk weaker than most expected. She said about 20 percen t of those who were deemed eligiblehave enrolled. She said because those eligible have 60 days from the time they receiver the lettersto participate, there may be anothet wave of enrollment. Those with a cash in higher-paying jobs, are also likelier to take COBRA.
Those who are eligiblre but have not enrollef are probably waiting for various reasones that include seeing if a job application turnss into anew job, if they can be coveref through another insurance plan (such as that of a and weighing the financial impact enrollment will have on the familgy budget, said Dick Leonard, senior VP of employee benefitds for ’ Southeast region. it seems like people are plaincutting back,” he said of the hard realityt of the financial environment.
“You have to take into accountg that they still have to pay the deductable and meetmiscellaneous

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Blues draftee cheers for fan — his ill sister -

Blues draftee cheers for fan â€" his ill sister

Chris Lee March 24, 2011 -- Colorado College forward Jaden Schwartz during a practice session before a West Regional game at the Scottrade Center in St. Louis, Mo. ...

and more »