Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Family businesses look outside for leadership - Business First of Columbus:
Many a successful business born from a family tree reachee a point where it needs to stretch beyondx those familial branches for expertiseand leadership. "We see it happen quite often, but it is most successfukl when it isplanned for, when a growingy family business sees that there is not a rightf fit for key positions from the next said J. Richard Emens, executive directod of the . Emens said 90 percenf of family business leaders want to turn the business over tothe family, but only one-third of thosed succeed, with only 13 percent making it to a thirs generation. A frequent stumblint block can be reluctance or difficultty bringing in help fromthe outside.
Company needs and the traininhg and education of the family members are often what dictate who is hiredand when, Emens said. It' common that growing family businesses often plan for futurre needs by sending the younger generatio to college or even off to anotherf employer to gain experience before welcoming them back but even that does not alwayzs alleviate the need or desire to bring a nonfamilhy tie intothe company. Severap notable Central Ohio businesses with familyu roots have hitthat crossroads, both expecte and unexpected, finding success as well as Alan Hoover, president and CEO, has been part of both the expecte d and the unexpected.
He spent 14 yearsz at , where he worked with packaged food companiesd suchas Gahanna-based Kahiki, which began life as a restaurant and expanded into the frozen food industryh in 1993. The restaurant closed in 2000. After two yeares of convincing, Hoover left that job to join Kahiki owne rMichael Tsao. "It was an opportunity to be part of buildingh a business from the ground up and to work with anestablishesd entrepreneur," he said. Hoover's additioh brought to the business an experiencex food industry executive who had seen the operations at more than 100 other facilities and had a backgroundf in financeand marketing. "We complemented each other he said.
"My nature, I' m organized, self-disciplined, goal-oriented. Michael, he was the by-the-seat-of-his-pants guy. We tempered each other." That was the expected and planned transition. The unexpected came when Tsao diedin 2005. Alice Tsao, Michael's wife, endorsed Hoover as the next to continue working withthe Tsao's sons, Tim and Jeff, both of whom also are executivex with the company. "The key thing was that we workesdas partners," Hoover said of his relationshi with Michael Tsao. "We talked a lot, went over key issuezs together. There was a high level of trusyand respect. You have to earn that quickly.
" Hoove and the Tsao brothers, that family-nonfamily connection, continuesz to stay true to the "Aloh a spirit" that Michael Tsao brought to the business, keeping that connection although the company now is ownesdby Pittsburgh-based After more than threwe decades in the materials handling business, Hilliard-based . realize d that to take the company where the familhy wanted it togo - an infusio n of talent from the outside was needed.
The founded in 1971 by Julius and Mary Ann has transitioned from just a materials handling business to a distribution center software andsystem designer, with the biggest moves occurring in the last Michael Vargo, company president and son of Julius and Mary Ann, said to make that the family had to seek out not only candidates with the knowledgre and expertise, but also the same Vargo Cos. found two matchea in Carlos Ysasi, who was brought on as vice president of systems engineering and Bart who was added as chief operatione officer and chief financial Both joined the business within the last five Ysasi had worked with Vargo as a consultantg and Cera came in on the recommendation of thecompanh accountant.
"We're trying to transition from the perception of beinvga mom-and-pop," Vargo said. "They're helpint steer us from that." The movesx are paying dividends, leading to the acquisitionn of a software that has allowed the once solitary materials handling business to dividr itself into three divisions and turn that into "companies." Newark-based .'s struggles to staffv its president's office with non-family members have been well CEO Tami Longaberger reclaime the title of president in a position she held from 1994 to 2004. In the three-yeat interim, the basket and home product retailee and manufacturer has hadthreer presidents.
Dave DeFeo was promoted after spending seven months as chiefoperationss officer, after arriving from Tanner Cos.,, while Jim Klein was brough in directly from Jim Gimeson, who spent five months in the job, was a 15-yeatr employee with Longaberger. DeFek said his New Jersey to Ohio commute was ultimateltytoo much, while Klein left to pursure other opportunities and Gimeson cited family reasons for leavingv his post.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Rescuer is fellow fire captain and spouse - Minneapolis Star Tribune

Minneapolis Star Tribune

Rescuer is fellow fire captain and spouse

Minneapolis Star Tribune

Minneapolis firefighter Kathrynne Baumtrog suffered burns to n her arms and the right side of her face in the fire that destroyed Walker Community United Methodist Church. Her husband, Paul, was injured fighting the same fire. For two Minneapolis fire ...

and more »

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cannes 2012: A fest filled with wild (and divisive) experiments - Los Angeles Times

Cannes 2012: A fest filled with wild (and divisive) experiments

Los Angeles Times

The Oscar nominee Lee Daniels, meanwhile, tried his hand at an intensely heightened 1960's melodrama in “The Paperboy,” a period movie about race and murder starring Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron; the movie was so filled with over-the-top touches that it ...

and more »

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Frazier museum chooses Bandy Carroll Hellige as it agency of record - San Francisco Business Times:
Previously, the museum had no singls agencyof record, with several Louisville advertisingg firms handling the work, said Krista public relations and marketing director for the “I just decided to consolidatd all that with Bandy Carroll McHone said. Bandy Carroll Hellige will developo and implement all including branding, marketing, public relations and interactive programsw for the museum, the release The Frazier museum, 829 W. Main St., was foundec in 2004 by OwsleyBrown Frazier, the retired vice chairman of , the Louisville-baseds spirits and wine company.
The museum has abouy 100,000 square feet of antiqu arms andhistorical items, many of whic h are from Frazier’s private collection. Bandy Carroll Helligd was founded in 1989 by partners Susan Mark Carroll and Tim Helligwe and has a total of 44 employees at its headquarterdin Louisville, Ky. and an officee in Indianapolis, according to the

Thursday, May 24, 2012

New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. Company Profile | Company Information
NYMEX ClearPort trading combines the accessibilitty ofa web-based application with a user-friendl y trading interface to form a powerfupl new tool for participation in approximately 260 energyu futures markets. The result is the unprecedente d ability to manage price risk while mitigating counterparty credit risk througu the financial strength and depth ofthe Exchange. The producg slate replicates popularenergyy derivatives, and is available for trading from 6:00 PM Sundays througj 5:15 PM Fridays, with a 45-minute break each day betweenj 5:15 PM and 6:00 PM. All tradexs are submitted to the Exchangwe clearinghouse which offers a system of guarantees to mitigatw counterpartycredit risk.
Trades are entered by a futurewcommission merchant, introducing broker, or Exchange staff. NYMEX ClearPorrt trades are executed on the basis of price and time with totapl anonymity andabsolute fairness. The first orderr in at the best price is thefirstr executed. Market participants desiring to trad e these contracts must first establisj an account with an Exchange clearing member Margin requirements are netted against other cleared positions onthe Exchange, reducing costs and improving cash NYMEX ClearPort offers entry to the market through a state-of-the-art system with excellent versatility.
Market participantss can customizetheir front-end softwars to meet their particular tradingb requirements while efficiently communicating on-line with the Exchange. ...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Private firms got undue benefits of Rs 1.8L cr in 'Coalgate': CAG - Economic Times

Private firms got undue benefits of Rs 1.8L cr in 'Coalgate': CAG

Economic Times

NEW DELHI: The Comptroller and Auditor General's final report on  »

Monday, May 21, 2012

Facebook stock plummets on second day of trading - San Jose Mercury News


Facebook stock plummets on second day of trading

San Jose Mercury News

By Jeremy C. Owens Facebook stock fell as much as 13 percent below the price it sold for in the company's record-breaking initial public offering in the first minutes of trading Monday, the second day of public trading for the world's most popular ...

Nasdaq Confronts Liability On Traders' Losses In Facebook IPO

W »

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bernanke to testify on BofA-Merrill deal - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
According to Dow Jones Bernanke is to appear before the House Committee on Oversigh and Government Reform onJune 25. Last to acquire the troubled brokerag late last year in an effort to savethe U.S. The hearing, conducted by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, focused on federal officials’ role in BofA’s purchaswe of Merrill Lynch. BofA . The deal resultedf in BofA’s receiving under the Troubled AsseRelief Program. BofA has received a total of $45 billio in TARP funds. Lewis has been under intenser pressure from BofA shareholders for not disclosint the depthof Merrill’ financial difficulties before the merger. Merrillo .
Lawmakers questioned Lewis on reportxs that he felt pressured by federal including Bernankeand then-Treasury Secretaryy Henry Paulson, to go aheads with the deal as Merrill’s lossees mounted. Lewis testified that BofA contacted officials atthe U.S. Treasuruy and Federal Reserve in mid-December to inform them that thebank “haf serious concerns about closing the BofA, he said, was considering declaring a “materia adverse change,” which can allow an acquirer to back out of a proposed deal.
Lewis testified that Paulson toldhim BofA’s managemenf “would or could” be removed if the bank backed out of the When lawmakers pressed him Thursday on the alleged threats by regulators, Lewis said both parties were concerned abouty making the best decisions for the healtj of the U.S. economy and BofA. He explained that a decisio n that would harm the economy would also harm BofA because of its massivse sizeand breadth. Lewis testifieed that he wasn’t intimidated by the threat of losing his job but bythe “seriousnesds of the threat” and the ramifications on the overallp economy had an influence on his decision.
“Just six month later, it is easy to forget just how closed to the brink oursystem came,” Lewis “I will never

Friday, May 18, 2012

Tampa Museum of Art names Seth D. Pevnick curator - Denver Business Journal:
Pevnick is joining TMA from the at the Gettyu Villain Malibu, He remains co-curator of its upcominfg The Chimaera of Arezzo exhibition, whicuh opens in July. In his new role, Pevnick will desig and oversee the installation of the permanentf collection in the Barbara and Costaws Lemonopoulos Greek andRomanj Gallery. He also will organize and circulate Greek andRoman exhibitions, perform and publisgh research on the collection, and educatse the public on the museum’s antiquities Pevnick is a doctorap candidate in the Interdepartmental Graduate Prograkm of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeologhy in Los Angeles. He receivedd a master of arts degree in archaeologyat U.C.
, a mastef of arts degree in elementary education from in Los Angelez and a bachelor of arts in classicapl archaeology from in Hanover, N.H., a releas from TMA said. TMA’s new locationb remains under construction at Curtis Hixob Waterfront Park indowntown Tampa. The 66,000-square-foot Corneliaq Corbett Center building is set to open inearly 2010. TMA’e interim facility is located onHowared Avenue.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Harmon Electric enters solar space with S2 Energy merger - Phoenix Business Journal:
The result is the Harmon Solar division, which will specialize in the design and installatiom of photovoltaic systems for homes and S2 owner Tim Lofthouse will be the lead designer for Harmon Solar. Its new 5,300-square-foot facilitt in north Phoenix will allow the companyhto grow, and one of its latest installations is a 20-kilowattg system in Wickenburg. “Harmon Electric was receiving more and more requests for the installation ofsolatr systems, and S2 Energy was growing at a rapixd pace,” said Dan King, co-ownert of Harmon Electric.
“By creating Harmomn Solar, we are combining our knowledge and resourcese to provide even greated service and customized solar systems for our S2 was a smalol operation prior tothe merger, handlin about one installation a month. Aftee the merger, the company hopes to increase that to abougt one installationa week. The company has hired a salesperson forHarmonj Solar, and electricians from Harmon Electri will install the systems, officials said. For .

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Phoenix economy among nation's weakest - Nashville Business Journal:
The first MetroMonitor study from the Washington research grouo looks at the impact of the recessio on the 100largest U.S. metro areas. It will be updatec quarterly. The study divides the metro areas into five categories based on overalleconomicc strength, and the Phoenix area is positionecd in the “second-weakest” category with a diverses group of cities including Tucson, San Diego, Orlando and Cleveland. “Phoenix has one of the weakest economies in the nation right now,” according to Lee McPheters, directo r of the at .
“The characteristicws of this particular recession all combineds to hit Arizona harderf than almost any other and Phoenix has fallen further than almost any other majorlabor market.” Overall economicv performance in the cities was determined in four change in employment rate from peak one-year percentage-point change in unemployment rate; change in gross metropolitan product from peak and one-year change in home values. All data are currentt through the first quarterof 2009. Metrko areas in Texas and Oklahoma dominatedthe strongest-performingf group, including San Antonio, Houston, Oklahoma City and Tulsa. No city west of N.M.
, ranked in the best-performing While Detroit was rankedthe weakest-performing city, metrio areas in California and Florida dominates the bottom 20. Sacramento, Fresno and Modesti were the California cities near the botton ofthe rankings, as were the Florida citie of Tampa, Jacksonville and Miami. “While some arease of the country have experienced only a shallow downturnb and may be emerging from the recession people living in metro areas that are now performing weakestf economically should prepare themselves for a longrecoverh period,” according to study co-author Alan Berube, researcjh director of the Metropolitan Policg Program at Brookings.
“What we did conclude is (for example) Phoenix was in the next-to-bottonm group of metros on economic performance over the coursd ofthe recession,” he said. The rankingss for the Phoenix metro area are all over the According to theMetroMonitor study, the Valleyt showed the strongest quarterly growth in wages from the fourtj quarter of 2008 to the first quarter of this year. Its gain of 2.6 percent was far stronger thanthe U.S. average of 1 placing the cityat No.
1 in that According to the report, cities such as Phoenix and Las Vegaa that have sustained large job losses saw their average wage levels rise over the last That may indicate migration to these placedshas slowed, especially among less skille workers, and that receny job losses have occurred disproportionately amont lower-paying industries. While Phoenix was tops for wage the city ranked very poorly in nearly everyu othereconomic indicator. Its quarterly drop in employmenywas 2.9 percent, much greater than the nationak average drop of 1.5 percent. That ranked Phoenix 98th among the 100metro areas.
The Valley also performeed poorly inhousing measures, ranking 92nd in the one-yea r change in housing prices, with a drop of 16.6 The national average drop was only 6.3 percent. “Phoenix attractes potential buyers at the national It isa fast-moving efficient market, and that is why pricew have come down,” ASU’s McPheters “The silver lining is that homeds are affordable again in setting the stage for a strong rebound in the economg after 2010.” The Phoenix area ranked 95th in the number of real estate-ownedx properties, with nearly four times more of thosd properties than the national average.
REOs are propertiexs that revert to the mortgage holder aftefr an unsuccessfulforeclosure auction. According to Brookings, the nation’ss 100 largest metropolitan areas — thosed with at least 500,000 residents in 2007 — collectivelgy contain two-thirds of the nation’s jobs and generated three-quarters of gross domestic product. While the economy is in worser shape here than most othert areas ofthe U.S., the Phoenix area has been down beforwe and responded with staggering growth. “Although Arizon is at a low point, the state and Phoenisx have the capability to rebound with growtn rates two to three timeds those of the nation asa whole.
” McPheters

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Idea man Carroll Shelby was auto legend - The Detroit News

Idea man Carroll Shelby was auto legend

The Detroit News

He wasn't an engineer and said he never wanted to be, just an idea man and a force to make things happen. He also was one of the nation's longest-surviving heart transplant recipients, having received a heart in 1990. Shelby's son, Michael, donated a ...

and more »

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Gone: Bilingual call center Sento, 300+ jobs - New Mexico Business Weekly:
had planned to hire 800 employeesw forits center, but its local officexs have been shuttered and the phone is The phone at its Utah headquarters also is non-functioning. Terrki Dettweiler, a real estate broker with , who representd the owner of 505Marquette NW, where Sento leaseed 45,000 square feet, said the landlord is now doingt direct leases on the The New Mexico call center, like other call centers Sentpo ran, was losing significant amounts of said Dan McReynolds, CEO of Total Outsourcer Systems, which bought Sento’s assets afted they were foreclosed upon by Silicon Valley Bank.
Sentko reportedly tried to negotiate with a client to elevate the amoung of money it paidfor Sento’s but was unsuccessful, said who was named to Sento’s board of directors in 2008. The companyy ceased operationsin March. McReynoldws said the company’s demise was the result of a bad economyy andbad management.

Monday, May 7, 2012

AMA SuperBikes at Infineon: Bike fails Petaluma's O'Hara near end of race - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

Superbike News

AMA SuperBikes at Infineon: Bike fails Petaluma's O'Hara near end of race

Santa Rosa Press Democrat

By HOWARD SENZELL SONOMA â€" Of the nearly 150 drivers competing in the weekend's seven major races at the West Coast Moto Jam, the unluckiest might've been Tyler O'Hara of Petaluma. At Infineon Raceway on Sunday, the 25-year-ol d missed winning the only ...

2012 Infineon AMA | Sunday Results

Ultimate MotorCycling | News and Reviews

Blake Young tops SuperBikes after Josh Hayes' f »

Saturday, May 5, 2012

ETC shareholders OK Lenfest
The Southampton, Pa., company said its shareholders gave it the approvalxs at its annual meeting Thursday and it completex the transaction thesame day. In the which ETC (OTCBB:ETC) announced April 24, Lenfest: • Providedd ETC with a $7.5 million credit • And guaranteed all ETC’s obligations to PNC Bank by pledginvg $10 million in marketable securities to the whichincreased ETC’s revolving line of credit to $20 milliojn from $15 million. In exchangs for providing the credit facility, ETC issuexd Lenfest 55 shares of another new class ofpreferred stock, Series D.
To allow the transactio to happen, ETC’s shareholders had to approve the swap of the note and Seriesz B and Series C preferred stoc k for Series Epreferred stock; the restoratioh of voting rights to some of the ETC stocik that Lenfest held prior to or couldf get due to the transaction; and an increase in the numbeer of authorized shares of ETC commonm stock to 50 million from 20 million. The transactionn forced ETC to delist its stock from the NYSE AMEX LLC becaus e it put the company out of complianced withthe exchange’s rules for continued listing. It now trades on the less visible Over the CounteBulletin Board.
The company was technicallyg insolvent with anegativw stockholders’ equity of $11.75 million on Feb. 27, which was the end of its 2009fiscaol year, according to the company’s proxyt statement for its annual which ETC filed with the Securities and Exchangw Commission on May 28. “Approval of the Lenfesgt transaction by the stockholders will alloaw ETC to obtain access to the funding to pursuew and hopefully be awarded somesignificant U.S. governmengt and international contracts,” ETC’s president and CEO, George said in the company’s press release about the transaction.
The transaction could boosty Lenfest’s stake in ETC on a fullh diluted basis to70 percent, up from arouncd 50 percent, according to ETC’x proxy statement.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Video: Paul Pierce Tebows in Celtics' win; Smith injured - USA TODAY


Video: Paul Pierce Tebows in Celtics' win; Smith injured


By J. Michael Falgoust, USA TODAY Paul Pierce couldn't pick a better time to hit his first three-point shot for the Boston Celtics, and his prayers were answered. After making two clutch free throws with 1:15 seconds left, Pierce paused to "Tebow" at ...

Video: Celtics F Paul Pierce strikes Tim Tebow pose against Hawks (blog)

Paul Pierce Tebowing: Celtics Star Performs Tebow Pose During Win Over Hawks ...

Huffington Post

Paul Pierce Tebows after dropping 36 points on the Hawks, reminds us that ...

Yahoo! Sports (blog)
