Thursday, January 27, 2011

Stanford surrenders following indictment - South Florida Business Journal:
Included in the indictment is Stanford, who ran Houston-basee ; Laura Pendergest-Holt, chief investment officer; Gilberto chief accounting officer; Mark Kuhrt, globapl controller for an affiliate company; and Leroy administrator and chief executive officerfor Antigua’a Financial Services Regulatory Also was Bruce Perraud, 42, a former SFG global securityg specialist. Perraud allegedly orderesd and supervised the destruction of numerousa SFG documents housedat SFG’s Fort Lauderdale office after he was put on notices that a federal court had ordered the preservatioh of SFG documents in connection with an SEC investigatioj and lawsuit, according to a Department of Justicde news release.
Perraud was arrested near Naplesson Friday. Stanford, who continues to deny the surrendered to the in Virginiaa onJune 18. Another Stanford executive, Jamesx Davis, chief financial officer, in April agreed to cooperate with federal and is not part ofthe indictment, thoug h criminal charges have been filed, accordingh to the AP. The filed civill charges in February, Stanford and two of his top executive of allegedly orchestrating a fraudulent investmeng scheme involving the saleof $8 billionb worth of certificates of deposit. Friday’s indictmen charges that Stanford, Pendergest-Holt, Lopez, Kuhrt and along with Davis: • Used deceptivwe methods when purchasing and sellingthe CDs.
The Stanforc Victims Coalition expressed relief that the indictments werehanded down, but in a statement Fridaty said there is still much more information to be revealef to explain what happened “to the life savings of 4,500 Americans and another 23,500 worldwide. “These actions today do not help us recovef our savings that took decades to thestatement said. “The American financial and legal systemcan ill-afforxd to convey the message that defrauded investora will be deprived — even temporarily — of their life’s We are the primew example of the need for regulatory reforj and a plan to restitute victims when the systejm fails.
” To see a copy of the .

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