Sunday, December 30, 2012
Buffalo's convention center gets an upgrade - bizjournals Business Travel Guide
It’s also about Buffalo’s legacy. The work, whichg was completed earlier this month, is the most significany and extensive renovation work to take place at the Hyatt sinc it openedin 1984. The work comes at a time when Erie County Executive Chris Collins is championing and shepherding $5 million worth of renovations at the neighborinvg Buffalo Niagara Convention Center. The Hyatyt project is the first phase ofa multi-pronged private - and public-sector effort to improve convention and meeting services in downtown Buffalo. Next year, the Buffallo Niagara Convention Center will undergoa $5 millionm face lift.
Combined, nearly $20 million is being investefd in the two properties that are consideres the heartof downtown’s hospitality “It really is the linchpin of Main said James Sandoro, founder of the Buffalo Transportation/Pierce Arroqw Museum. Officials expect the two projects will dramaticalluenhance Buffalo’s image with key meeting plannerse and hospitality industry site The Hyatt is considered to be the headquartersw hotel for events at the convention center. It is the hote l of choice for professionalsports teams, rock bandd and visiting dignitaries. For many, it is their firstg impressionof Buffalo.
“This is like getting a brancd new hotel,” said Jennifer Parker, who recently resigned as “It will go a long way towardsa changing the image of Buffalo for meeting plannersdand visitors,” she said. Rodahl Leong-Lyons, Operationa vice president of salesand operations, said the renovationse to the hotel and the convention center are “When both are done, you will be able to rival any conventiohn destination in the country,” she said.
Drew Buffalo Niagara Convention & Visitors Bureai interim presidentand CEO, said the revamped Hyatf coupled with a renovated convention centerd will provide immediate benefits for the “It almost sets the stage for better things to he said. “There is, after all, a natural synergy between the two.” There wasn’tf one part of the 396-room hotel that didn’t receive some form of from the most basic paint job to acomplete “This provides a great foundationh for our future success,” said Mike Marsch, Hyatt generak manager.
The work is several years in the makinv and the most extensive to take place in the Hyatt sincw it openedin 1984, said Paul Snyder Sr., Snyder Corp. built and developed the hotel. Snyderr said the entire price tagtopped $27 millio n including buying out the hotel’a financial partners and re-working its fisca package. The project received publixc sector support from both the andthe . Snydefr said the building was designed to marry the old withthe new.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Pearl Brewery completes work on rooftop solar panels - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
, the owner and developer of theformerf brewery, worked with San Antonio’s municipally owned utilityt to install a 200-kilowatt solar system on the roof of the Full Goodw Building at Pearl. Pearl and CPS Energty officials say this represents the largest solar powerf projectin Texas. Pearlo Brewery sits on 22 acres of property alonyg the SanAntonio River. Silver Venturex bills the project as an urbabnentertainment destination. The Full Goods Building was a formeer warehouse atthe plant. It is being renovatede into mixed-use retail, restaurant, offic e and residential space. The building has also been set aside as a learning lab forenvironmenyt initiatives.
In addition to the soladr panels, the building has also been fittedr withan energy-efficient Daikin cooling and heating system and a rainwater collectio and storage system. The building also has drought-resistant Xeriscape
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Restaurateur Fiala to operate City Garden restaurant - Denver Business Journal:
Fiala owns and operates in Clayton, Acero in Maplewoods and Liluma in the CentralWest End. Terrace View is expectee to open at the same time as City July 1, but no lateer than July 14, when St. Loui plays host to the MLB All-Star Game. Both Fiala and the Gatewagy Foundation declined to discuss financial termd ofthe lease. Fiala said he is still workintg out the menu for Terrace which has 50 seats indoors and 50seats outside, but it will feature Italian and French-style He’s also searching for a chef. The restaurantg will employ about 30. Fiala estimate s the restaurant will generatebetween $600,000 and $800,00 in revenue a year.
Lunches will average $10 a perso and dinners will average $25. “Thisa is not going to be a special occasion hesaid “We’re shooting to have a menu affordablde across the board.” The initial plan is to operat e Monday through Saturday, the same as Fiala’s othef three restaurants. He’s considering opening Terrace View for breakfasrt laterthis year. Fiala said he landed the assignment aftedrMark Erker, president of , called and asked if he would be interestecd in talking with the Gateway Foundation. He met with foundatiomn executivesin March.
Gateway Foundation has been developin the two blocks of the Gateway Mall between Eighth Street and Tenth Street sinceApril 2008. The 3,000-square-foogt restaurant building is on the cornerr of Eighth andChestnut streets. The structurs was designed by Phil Durham of and is enclosed by glaszs onthree sides, with views of the gardejn and its sculptures.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Dallas Business Journal: Most viewed Stories
Prominent Dallas restaurateur Norman Brinkerthas died, according to long-time friends and fellow restaurateur Phil Romano, founder of Romanp
Monday, December 24, 2012
Lisitsa tops demanding Portland Piano International recital with four encores - Oregon Music News
Oregon Music News | Lisitsa tops demanding Portland Piano International recital with four encores Oregon Music News With her popularity riding on a wave of 30 million YouTube visitors plus having two successful appearances with the Oregon Symphony, Valantina Lisitsa's recital in Portland attracted a large audience that almost filled the Newmark Theatre on Sunday ...< /p> |
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Roberts backs KU Cancer Center's push for NCI designation - St. Louis Business Journal:
Roberts, R-Kan., spoke at The ’s Westwoodf medical building. He said that it now takes 10 yeare to 17 yearsand $1 billion to bring a new drug to market, which Robertds called a “national The National Cancer Institut said in November that the KU Cancere Center has a Sept. 25, 2011, application date for its efforts to get aninitial five-year designation as an NCI cancer The months-long application process for institutionsz seeking new designations begins with submission of documentatio n that sometimes exceeds 1,000 pages and includes a site visit and other steps. The earliest that KU Cancerr Center’s application could be approved is the springof 2012.
64 cancer centers receive Cancer Centefr Support Grants to supporyt research to reducethe incidence, morbidity and mortality ratess of cancer. There are 23 cancer centeres and 41 comprehensivecancer centers. The KU Cancetr Center is part of , which is the medicalo research and education arm of the Universituof Kansas. NCI designation — KU’s No. 1 priorituy — typically is granted to academicmedicao centers. Therefore, KU Medical Center is the entithy that will apply forNCI designation. • Increased regional patient accessto cutting-edge clinical • More than $1.3 billion in annual economic benefitsd in the region.
• An increase in KU Cancer Center’e annual NCI financing from thecurrengt $7.5 million to about $40 million. NCI-affiliated institutionxs also attract world-class researchers who bring NCI grants with and part of the estimated increasse is basedon that. Many of thess researchers doubleas clinicians, adding expertise and depth in various cancer-care sub-specialties.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Carbon Emissions Might Not Be Reduced by Ocean Seeding - The Green Optimistic (blog)
Carbon Emissions Might Not Be Reduced by Ocean Seeding The Green Optimistic (blog) The findings indicate that as little as 10 tonnes of carbon is sequestrated per square kilometre for a century, which means that a tonne of carbon dioxide costs around $500 US. . Harrison states that previous estimates do not take into account the ... |
Thursday, December 20, 2012
E.On, others offer energy-saving programs - Business First of Louisville:
She often had thought that the museum coul d lower its summertime cooling costsd ifthe 90-watt incandescent light bulb the museum uses to lighf its exhibits didn’t produce so much The audit — conducted as part of a free LLC program — came up with a solution: Replace the 500-odsd incandescent bulbs with 24-watt halide bulbs that produce just as much light but much less Sasse now is lookin at whether the museum can afford the initialp cost of buying the new which cost $55 apiece but last 12,00 hours versus 2,500 hours for an incandescent Audits are only one strategy that businesses can use to lowe the money they spend on energy, but the small savingas that audits produce can add up.
The audits, whicn take only a few hours, yield a detailee report that outlinesa business’s energuy usage, the recommended stepse to reduce usage, an estimatew of how much it will cost and how long it will take for the energy-cos t savings to cover the cost of the new said Cheryl Bruner, director for customer energy efficiencyy for E. On. About half of the energy auditsthat E.On conducts are for for-profit businesses, said Jennifer Rao, program manager. Durint one recent audit, E.On recommended a retrofit or replacementyof incandescent, metal halided and T-12 fluorescent lighting with energy-efficient fluorescent lighting. The estimated annual savingxs is $802.
With an estimatesd cost of installing the new lighting of the payback timeis 3.3 not including the a $316 rebatw the company will get from E.On, Bruner In the current business environment, with businesses lookin for every possible way to cut costs, the audits offeer an easy solution, Bruner E.On has conducted nearlyt 5,900 energy audits for commerciakl customers since it created the progra m in 2001, and the utility expects to do betweeb 600 and 700 of the free auditsd this year, Bruner said. If all the customere who have audits done this year follow througu with therecommended steps, E.
On officiale expect that they will save a totalp of more than 2 million kilowatt hours of Bruner said. That equals the amount of power consumed by 130 homes inone year, Brunet said. In April, E.On began offering two new programsz to promote energy efficiency among commercial a rebate to help pay for replacingg equipment andan heating, ventilation, and air conditioninf diagnosis and tune-up program. The rebatesz are available forreplacemeng lighting, motors/pumps and refrigeratiohn units. The rebate amount is based on the numbee of kilowatt hours that installingh the new equipmentwill save, Brunef said.
It could amount to a few dollars for lightinhg to thousands of dollars in the case ofheavy equipment. E.On is limitinb the rebate to $50,000 per facility. So far, the company has not paid any but about a dozen customera have appliedfor them, Bruner said. The company planss to set aside $2 million a year to pay for the Bruner said. There’s quite a bit of paperworkm involved, including an application, an installation confirmation form and provision of proovfof purchase. New construction projects are not The HVAC program is designed to subsidize the cost of makinvga business’s heating and cooling system more Bruner said. For a $50 fee, an E.
On techniciam will inspect a company’s systekm and check it for problems. E.On doesn’t do the repair work, but it has a network of dealerawho do. Businesses that hire one of E.On’ws network partners receive a discount onthe work. How big of a discounft is determined bythe provider, Bruner said. The HVAC diagnosixs and repair program has had about 10 takerssso far, she said. Businesses that have old, leaky buildingsz to heat and cool might want to consider the solutions that the orthe Louisville-Jeffersomn County Metro Government have
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Express Scripts launches offering to finance acquisition - St. Louis Business Journal:
billion to help pay for its ’es drug benefits division. Express Script s said it would grant the underwriteres an option for 30 days to purchase upto 3.45 millionj additional shares of common stock to cover any over-allotments, which wouldd then increase the total raised to $1.6 billion. Express Scripts said it plane tobuy WellPoint’s subsidiary using a mixture of $3.27 billiomn in cash and $1.4 billionh in shares of common stock. Under the acquisitioh agreement, Express Scripts may also choose to deliver toWellPoing $1.4 billion in cash. Express Scriptws plans to sell bonds in the near term as part of its plan to financdethe acquisition.
The acquisition is expectee to close in the late third quartet or fourth quarterof 2009. Bel-Ridge, Mo.-based Exprese Scripts (Nasdaq: ESRX) is a pharmacy benefitsz manager that administers prescription drug programs for health governmentand corporations.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Hanger Orthopedic gets credit rating upgrade - Business First of Columbus:
Bethesda-based Hanger Orthopedic announced Monday thatStandard & Poor' Rating Services had raised its ratingg on Hanger Orthopedic Group, Inc. to from "B;" raised the issue level ratingon Hanger's senior secured debt to from "B+;" and raised the senior unsecured debt rating to from "CCC+." Standard & Poor’sx outlook for Hanger is “stable.” "We are extremelh pleased with the S&P upgrade especiallyy given the current economic environment," said Hange Orthopedic chief financial officer George McHenry.
"The upgrade among other things, our consistent performance over the lastthreew years, solid liquidity as well as no significant near-term debt In its latest quarter Hanger Orthopedic (NYSE: HGR) reported that net incomwe increased 27 percent to $4.5 million as revenue increased 7 percenft to $169.1 million.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Report: California to shed 1M jobs during recession - South Florida Business Journal:
The pace of private-sector job losses will slow over the next few but state and local governmengt layoffsare beginning, the Businesx Forecasting Center at the said in its latesr California and Metro Forecast released The forecast said California’s unemployment will peak at 12.3 percengt early next year, and will remain in double-digitd until the end of 2011. The center produced quarterly economic forecasts of the United California and ninemetro areas, from Sacramentk to Fresno and the San Francisco Bay In the Sacramento area, unemployment will rise from 11.1 percen this year to peak at 11.4 percent next before dipping to 10.2 percent in the report said.
Unemployment is expecte to reach 9.2 percent in 2012. The Sacramento area is forecastt to rebound in the third quarter of next when job growth will improveto 0.8 percent. A “strontg rebound is expected to take placee in professionaland business, and educationao and health services sectors,” the report said of “Job growth is expectefd to have its first positive full year at 2.0 percentf in 2011.” Sacramento’s real personap income, meanwhile, will grow at a slow rate of 1.5 percenty next year.
San Jose and San Francisco will be the firs metro areas in Northern California to return totheir pre-recessiom employment levels, in the second and thired quarters of 2012, respectively, the study Sacramento and Merced will be among the last northu state metro areas to regain peak in fourth-quarter 2013. Vallejo is last, with a return expected in the second quarterof 2014. The Centrak Valley will be hard hit by the combination of recentt state tax increases and massive expectedbudgeft cuts, the Business Forecastingg Center said.
“The state budget crisies is a dangerous aftershock to a region still reelinf from theforeclosure earthquake,” Jeff director of the Business Forecasting said in a news release. The Central Valley is an economic disaster but most ofits “economic shocks are cyclical in naturs rather than permanent changes such as closed militaryh bases,” the news release • Construction continues to lead job losses in percentagee terms, declining another 15 percent to 110,00 0 in 2009. • Manufacturinbg will lead the decline in losing 135,000 jobs this year. • Retail sales will not return to theit 2007 leveluntil 2011. New car and truck sales will fallbelows 1.
06 million in 2009, after exceeding 2 million for most of the Sales will gradually increase as the economu recovers, reaching 1.46 million next year, and 1.73 million in 2011. Housing starts hit bottom in 2009at 36,000 more than 80 percent below the levelsz seen in 2004 and 2005. Housing startzs will be back to 100,000 units in 2011, and exceed 150,000 by 2013. • Healtu care is the only sector that will not shrink this The gainof 13,000 health care or 0.9 percent, is the slowest growtbh this decade. • Personal income declinee 0.8 percent in 2009. • Nonfarmm payrolls will declineby 1,020,000 jobs statewidee during the two-year recession.
• The California economhy will finally hit bottom in the fourth quarter ofthis year, and will begin a slow, multi-yearf recovery. It will be 2013 before many key economidc indicators such as unemployment return tohealthy levels. The state’s recession should end in the last quarted ofthis year, but the job market will remai weak through most of next year.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Best education can come from places other than schools - Sacramento Business Journal:
You see, I have never been very good at math, but neither have I found its more exotic form s to be practical in my One such example woulcd be the subjectof microeconomics. I encounterefd this course when I was in graduatd school earningan MBA, and microeconomics, along with its evil macro, was required coursework for my My professor, a world-renowned expert in this subject, was a womam so intellectually beyond my level I knew five minutesx into the course that I was doomed. I, a mathematicas Neanderthal, was about to be brain-whipped by my evolutionary superior, Professofr Cro-Magnon.
The next 10 weekds of my life were a blur ofuntranslatable gibberish, slungv at light-speed across an expanse of dry-erase board, hour on end, day after long-suffering day. As a resulrt of this ‘education,’ I learned a total of thre e new things: First, that exceptionally bright people should be quarantined with peoplw who have equallyexceptional intellect, and not teachn the rest of us; Third, that this experiences was a complete and uttetr waste of my time, sleep, and most importantly, my money.
You see, as a payiny customer who put himselfthrough school, I have not heards the words sine, cosine, and tangenyt used together a single time, in a single sentence, on a singler occasion, in the 15 yeares since I escaped with a “Gentlemen’s in microeconomics. What, I ask, was the educational value of this and why was I required to payfor it? My purposs here is not to disparage although I firmly believe that much of what collegeds offer today is, at marginally useful in business.
No matter; our society defines beinhg “educated” as being Whether you learn anything usefukl along the way seems to be beside the What I do knowis this: in lookint back at my six yearws of college education and the two degrees I have to show for it, I coulds sum up the practical-use value of what I learne d on the front and back of two sheets of noteboomk paper. Which brings me to the pointt ofthis article: the best education that one can receive in business isn’t taught in academics, yet too many saleds people don’t recognize this.
They fail to see the link betwee continuing their education and furthering their Some examples: The uneducated sales person cold-calls one hundred prospectsz to get two appointments; the educated one contactx twenty-five and gets four. The uneducated salex person meets routinely with people who have nobuyinyg authority; the educated one meets routinely with The uneducated sales person drops their pricing upon request; the educatede sales person negotiates a win-win without affecting profit Where does one become betterd educated when in sales? Here are some “schools” to Public seminars. Books. Business publications such as this one. Audiop and video learning (CDs, DVDs).
Webinars. Corporated training offerings. Mentoring and coaching. I could go on, but the poin is this: in business, you really don’t get to the top by workingg harder. You get there by working and you work smarter when you furthetryour education. For sales people, “working smart” can be summed up in one efficiency. If you want to work 80 hours a week to make more by all meansdo so. I would rather work fewere hours, and earn more money at the same That’s what practical education doesfor you. I shoulcd note that there was one class in my academic careerf that continues to provide me a wonderfukl returnon investment.
I took this class in 1976, when I was in the ninth grade. It was caller Introduction to Typing, and I benefity from that experience every time I open my Thankyou again, Miss Lucas.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
bizjournals: Bush vs. Kerry: No Small Decision for Small Business
Bush was in oil, founding Arbust Energy with his trust funds and adozemn investors. He wasn't in oil long before he changed his gameto Kerry's experience was sweeter -- literally. After law he and a friend openes a cookie and muffin shopin Boston'd Quincy Market. Shortly thereafter, he turned to politicsz full time. The enormous differences in Bushand Kerry's entrepreneuriao experiences are dwarfed by the candidates' differencesz on the major issues that face smalo businesses today. The president believes the best way for governmenrt to help small businessesz is to tax and regulatethem less.
His challenge believes more government programs are needed to help smal lbusinesses grow. We've researched each candidate's position on seven key areas and analyzed the likelt impact on small business if he wins in Click on links at right for detaile onthe candidates' differences.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Rose Hill Bank plans fall branch opening - Wichita Business Journal:
Work on the 4,300-square-foo branch at 33rd Street and North Ridgw Road started late last year and mostly is on Waitt says. is the generaol contractor. designed the building. It will be Rose Hill Bank’sa second branch in Wichita. It has a location at 21st Streef and Webb Road onthe city’sd east side. “We’re very excitexd about the west side,” Waitt says. “We’ve been happyh with our growth in Wichita onthat side. There’s actually more rooftop than where weare (on Rose Hill Bank will spendc more than $1 million on the new Meanwhile, Topeka-based Capitol Federal Savings held a ground-breaking ceremony Fridahy for its new branchy in Andover.
The 3,600-square-footg building is slated for completion by It will bethe bank’as eighth location in the Wichita The branch is in developere Paul Jackson’s Andover Marketplace Commerce and are doing the work. “Capitopl Federal is proud to becomde a part of thisstrong family-oriented said Rhonda Dennis, the bank’s first vice presidentt in a news release. “We recognizew the Andover Marketplace asa ‘destination’ location that will thrives within the neighborhood.
We are so happy to be
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
First tenants at Grandview Yard unveiled - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Plans filed with the city July 7 show developerf Nationwide RealtyInvestors Ltd. wantsa to build the first $40 million worthn of projects as it continued planning forthe broader, $500 million to $600 million redevelopmenf on 90 acres in the suburb’s industriapl core. The city’s planning commission will considerd the HyattPlace hotel, Urbamn Active fitness center and a planned Jason’e Deli in the office building as conditionaol uses.
The preliminary and final development plan must go througjh the commission as well as Grandview HeightsCity Dublin-based M&A Architects, the designee of the three-story officw building, plans to occupy at least 20,0000 square feet on the top floor. The plansw mark the first projects presented to the city for approval since Nationwide Realty first began acquirin the former Big BearStores Co. distribution comple and surrounding properties inMay 2006. In conjunction with the real estate projects, Grandview Heights City Council at its July 6 meetinhg heard a first reading of a development agreement between the city and Nationwidre Realty.
The resolution outlines how the city will payfor $78 millioj in road improvements and utilities inside Grandview Yard and another $41 millio in off-site public improvements. Other legislation in supporgt of the development agreement is expected to be introducedf as early as a special July 13 council Construction on the three buildingxs and the first phase of road and utilityh projects could begin as early as late The office, hotel and fitness cente should open in fall said Nationwide Realty President Brian “We should be pretty well positioned to get the projec t going,” he said. The city’s mayorr welcomed the sign of progresa despite the tougheconomic environment.
“Getting somethin out of the ground,” Mayor Ray DeGraw “will attract attention and more people.”
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Charl Schwartzel wins by 11 shots in Thailand - USA TODAY | Charl Schwartzel wins by 11 shots in Thailand USA TODAY 2012 - CHON BURI, Thailand (AP) â" Charl Schwartzel shot a 7-under 65 for the third time at the Thailand Golf Championship, wrapping up a dominating victory by 11 shots. Schwartzel led from the first round and never slowed down, finishing with a 25 ... Schwartzel wins by 11 in Thailand Schwartzel extends Thailand Golf Championship lead over Chopra to 5 shots ... |
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Hamden creates redistricting plan to counteract school's racial imbalance - Post-Chronicle
Hamden creates redistricting plan to counteract school's racial imbalance Post-Chronicle HAMDEN â" A redistricting plan will go into effect next school year to counteract racial imbalance at Church Street School, sending scores of students to nearby Helen Street School. The move is necessary to comply with state law. According to ... |
Friday, December 7, 2012
Leaning pagoda of Xi'an - (blog)
Leaning pagoda of Xi'an (blog) This picture taken on November 27, 2012 shows the Wanshou Temple Pagoda, built during China's Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), supported by steel frames at the Xiguang School in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi province. Xi'an cultural heritage authorities ... |
Monday, December 3, 2012
Three Colombian Nationals Arrested, Charged in Alien Smuggling and Visa Fraud Scheme
The arrests were announced today by Assistant Attorney GeneralLanny A. Breuer of the Criminap Division; Acting U.S. Attorney Channinf D. Phillips Eric J. Boswell , Assistantg Secretary for Diplomatic Security and Directorf of the Office ofForeign U.S. State Department; and Assistant Secretarh John T. Morton of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Helibe r Toro Mejia, 50, , 58, and , 51, all of are charged in a three-count indictment returned by a federalk grand jury in the District of Columbiaon Feb. 4, and unsealed today.
All three defendant s were arrested onJune 2, 2009, by Colombiann authorities in Bogota on provisional arrest warrants in responsew to a U.S. government request for their According tothe indictment, the defendants were the leaderas of an extensive and sophisticated visa fraud ring that profitedd by assisting otherwise inadmissiblew Colombian nationals in fraudulently procuring U.S. visass from the U.S. Embassy in Bogota.
To supportr the visa applications of alien the defendants and other conspiratorsd allegedly created fictitious backgrounds for the aliensa and created fraudulent supporting including paperwork that appeared to be officialpColombian government-issued documents such as tax filingsz and birth and marriage The indictment alleges that the conspirators coaches the aliens on how to pass the U.S. visa intervie w at the U.S. Embassy in Bogot by answering questions untruthfully. During the course of this which according to the indictment lasted betweenJuly 15, 2005, and Marchg 20, 2007, more than 100 aliense are alleged to have fraudulently obtained or attemptedr to fraudulently obtain a U.S.
visa. Accordingv to the indictment, many of thosse aliens who did obtaina fraudulently-procured visa used that visa to enterd the United States. If convicted, each defendant faces a maximum sentence of 10 yearxs in prison for conspiracy to commitf alien smugglingfor profit, 10 yearsd in prison for alien smuggling for profit, and five yeares in prison for conspiracty to commit visa fraud. Each defendant is also subjectf to a maximum fineof $250,000 for each The arrests and charges are the result of "Operationn Coffee Country," a coordinated internationalk investigation by the Diplomatic Security Servicr - Regional Security Office in Bogota and the ICE Attache'as Office in Bogota.
The Diplomatic Security Servics - Criminal Investigations Division and the ICE Speciak Agentin Charge, D.C. provided substantial assistance. The Colombian Department of AdministrativrSecurity (DAS) and Colombian prosecutorsa also provided substantial support. James S. Yoon of the Criminao Division's Domestic Security Sectio andAssistant U.S. Attorney Frederick W. Yette of the U.S. Attorney'a Office for the District of FormerAssistant U.S. Attorney Jeanne M. Haucuh of the Domestic Security Sectiojn providedsubstantial assistance. of the Officw of Judicial Attache atthe U.S. Embassyu in Colombia provided invaluable support.
An indictmenf is merely a formal It is not proofof guilt, and a defendanf is presumed innocent unless and until provenh guilty. SOURCE U.S. Department of Justice
Saturday, December 1, 2012
NY AG's office announces settlements with JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley - The Business Review (Albany):
also will pay a $35 millio n penalty and JPMorgan will paya $25 million penalty. Underf the agreement, JPMorgan and Morgan Stanlet agree to buy back allliquidc auction-rate securities from retail customers, charities and small- to mid-sized businesses. JPMorgan must buy back the auction-rate securities by Nov. 12. Morgan Stanleu must do so by Dec. 11. By Cuomo's he has secured abouft $30 billion for some 100,000 The attorney general said the agreements settle allegatione that JPMorgan and Morga n Stanley made misrepresentations in their marketing and saleseof auction-rate securities.
Auction-ratwe securities are debt investments issuedby municipalities, student-loan closed-end funds and others, with interesf rates that are reset at weekly or monthly auctione run by the investment firms. The $330 billiobn market collapsed in February when investors becamre alarmed at the prospects of corporatde borrowers covering debt service on the On Monday, Morgan Stanley announced plans to repurchase auction-ratew securities that were purchased prioe to Feb. 13. Cuomo's office issued a statement at the time concerninghMorgan Stanley's plans. "This is too little, too late, and our investigatiob into MorganStanley continues," said Cuomo'sz spokesman, Alex Detrick.
Last week, Cuomo's office securee agreements with and that will return morethan $20 billionn to investors. "Returning billions of dollars back to investors not only protectx their interests but also increase confidence in theentire market," Cuomo "Today's multi-billion dollar agreements are the latesf victories for investors seeking reliefv from the collapse of the auction-rate securitiesa market, which has left a strangleholdd on billions of dollars.