Thursday, December 27, 2012

Restaurateur Fiala to operate City Garden restaurant - Denver Business Journal:
Fiala owns and operates in Clayton, Acero in Maplewoods and Liluma in the CentralWest End. Terrace View is expectee to open at the same time as City July 1, but no lateer than July 14, when St. Loui plays host to the MLB All-Star Game. Both Fiala and the Gatewagy Foundation declined to discuss financial termd ofthe lease. Fiala said he is still workintg out the menu for Terrace which has 50 seats indoors and 50seats outside, but it will feature Italian and French-style He’s also searching for a chef. The restaurantg will employ about 30. Fiala estimate s the restaurant will generatebetween $600,000 and $800,00 in revenue a year.
Lunches will average $10 a perso and dinners will average $25. “Thisa is not going to be a special occasion hesaid “We’re shooting to have a menu affordablde across the board.” The initial plan is to operat e Monday through Saturday, the same as Fiala’s othef three restaurants. He’s considering opening Terrace View for breakfasrt laterthis year. Fiala said he landed the assignment aftedrMark Erker, president of , called and asked if he would be interestecd in talking with the Gateway Foundation. He met with foundatiomn executivesin March.
Gateway Foundation has been developin the two blocks of the Gateway Mall between Eighth Street and Tenth Street sinceApril 2008. The 3,000-square-foogt restaurant building is on the cornerr of Eighth andChestnut streets. The structurs was designed by Phil Durham of and is enclosed by glaszs onthree sides, with views of the gardejn and its sculptures.

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