Thursday, December 30, 2010

Heritage Valley Health System reaches deal to enhance electronic medical records system - Dallas Business Journal:
The gear allows Heritage’s 150 employed doctorsd to electronically transmit prescriptions and accesx patient medical records from laptopw andhandheld computers, reducing errors and streamlinin care. The industry average for buying electronic medical record systemsis $10,00 0 per doctor, although the exact amountg of the Heritage Valley contrac was not available. Previously, Heritage Valley received a $661,500 grant through healtjh insurance giant to help pay forthe upgrade.
In addition to two Heritage Valley has twosurgery centers, two cancer treatment centers and a numbed of community-based diagnostic and treatment facilities to treat patients from Beaver, Butler and Lawrence counties, and parts of West Virginiaq and Ohio. Allscripts began helping Heritage develop its electronidc recordkeeping systemin 2006. “As an integrated deliverty network, we’re relying on the Allscripts solution to help us creatre a single electronic patient record that will drive greate r integration and improvement incare delivery,” Heritage Presideng and CEO Norm Mitr y said in a preparedc statement.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Enterprise Management Solutions uses Chapter 11 to move along its sale - Austin Business Journal:
Enterprise Management, which reported $7 million in grossd revenue last year and employs 20 was in the process of selling to a larger unidentifieesoftware company. However , which is owed abouyt $760,000, as well as (NYSE: BMC), its majot software licensor, have been dragging theirf feet causing the sale to come to a a lawyer representing the company inbankruptcy “They had a loan with Bank of America, and some issu e arose with the bank, and that just createed issues elsewhere,” said Michael Markham of Johnson Pope Bokoer Ruppel & Burns.
Enterprise was “kine of caught in the getting pressure from Bank of Americwa and pressure from BMC while at the same time tryingt to negotiatethis sale.” Enterprisde Management claims assets of up to $1 million and liabilities of up to $100 In a case management summary filed with the ’e Middle District of Florida, Enterprise said it has less than $800,000p in secured claims and about $2.6 million in unsecurerd claims. If the sale was allowes to closeand Enterprise’s customer base was preserved, the companyt believes all of its creditors woulcd be paid.
“The bankruptcty process often just levels the playing field to have people working together, instead of everyone negotiating to get as much as they can from a limitedc resource,” Markham said. Even with the all three sides are still negotiating towara sale, and the initial responsd from both the bank and BMC, a Housto software developer with more than $1.7 billioh in revenue in fiscal 2008, has been Markham said.
“This is an action we hope to wrap up fast with our wholed focus tosimply consummate” the asset sale, he “When you’re trying to sell someone’e collateral and you’re trying to get someone’s consent to assigbn their contract, sometimes they just need a littlwe nudge to provide that consent. That’s what I’ hoping this process will do.” Enterprise Management was foundee in 1999 and is owned by Adam It provides business service management products and consulting to companiesd suchas (NYSE: JNJ), and (Nasdaq: JBLU), according to the company’s Web “If we didn’t take this we would’ve ended up with a canceled contracty [from BMC], a foreclosure [from Bank of America] and a closed business,” Markham said.
“The primaryt asset of a consulting business isits consulting, so if that kind of thinb goes dark, then you have zero This way, we hope everyone can come out of this with

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Amanda Garcia, Calvin Knox make fast starts -

Amanda Garcia, Calvin Knox make fast starts

For many, it's their first exposure to the indoor meet, with crowded gymnasiums and tighter, shorter laps than in outdoor track. For others it's a chance to ...

and more »

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Seattle is nation
California’s Silicon Valley “continues to lead all otherf metropolitan regions in North America in the breadtuh and scope of economic activity it createw throughtechnological innovation,” according to the Milken Institut report, called “North America’s High-Tech Economy: The Geography of Knowledge-Base Industries.” In the previous Milken studyh in 2003, Seattle was ranke d third behind Silicon Valley and Boston.
The studyt ranked the metropolitan areas based onseverap factors, including the number of employees in the various high-tecgh fields, salaries paid, and the relativre size of the industryh compared to the entire It ranked the metros in 19 high-tec business categories. Using data from the study indicates thatthe high-tech industry providef $22.3 billion in wages in the Seattle-Bellevue-Everetgt area and employed 226,000 people in 2007. In the sub-categor y of software publishing, the Seattle area ranke d No. 1 nationally, with that high-tecuh industry employing 46,318 people who earned wages of morethan $7 billio in 2007.
Seattle also ranked high in the aerospace productt and partsmanufacturing sub-category, with 76,148 peoplde earning $6.69 billion in 2007. “Lik most of the economy, the high-tech sector has takenn a beating in the last six but recent numbers show that thesse cuts may be leveling off and the sector could be primes to once again be an enginde of sustainable growth when recovery begins to take Cities withstrong high-tech bases will perform best as the economy recovers because the jobs generated by thesed fields pay so well,” accordinhg to the Milken study. Following Silicon Seattle and Boston in the overall results of thestudy 4. Washington, D.C. area; 5. Los Angeles 6.
Dallas area; 7. San Diegol area; 8. Santa Ana/Anaheim, Calif. area; 9. New York City 10. San Francisco area. An executive summarh of the report

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jim Ryan, Ryan Cos. CEO, dies at 66 - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Jim Ryan, the CEO of , died Thursday morning. 66, had been battling melanoma cancer for the past 10 During his career he helped builrdRyan Cos. into one of the largestf construction and development firmsin Minnesota. Jim becamde CEO of the company in when he took over for hisfatherr Russell. He also was an active philanthropist. He helped establishj the and , both in south Minneapolix in 2007. Pat Ryan, Jim’a cousin and business partnet is expected to succeed Jim as CEO ofthe Minneapolis-basedx firm, which had 2008 revenue of more than $1 billion.
In a Pat Ryan said, “Jim’s goal was not to build the biggestg buildings or be the largest His goal was to build charactefr inhis employees, build confidence in our customersa and to build better This world would be a better place if there were more CEOs with Jim Ryan’ss values.” Jim is survived by his wife of 37 yearas Colleen, children Molly (Mike) Carson, Maggie Allen, Kate (Zach) Hegman, Tim, Nell, Dan, Sean and and six grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are Among hismany honors, Ryan of the Business Journa l ’s Best in Real Estatse Career Achievement Award.
Jim Campbell, a retired Wells Fargo executive and friendd of 25 yearssaid he's never known a more solidf and wholesome guy than Jim "I've never ever heard anyone say a negative word abourt Jim Ryan, and that's from a wide variety of sources." Ryan alwaysx had a vision for what could be done, Campbellk said. The former Sears building on Lake Street in Minneapoliz thatRyan Cos. helped transform into the MidtownbExchange mixed-use project is a great example of his "That building sat with the lights out for 10 yeard and he always had faith that somehow it would come together," Campbelll said. Despite so many challenges to that project, Ryan just kept plowinfg ahead.
Campbell said Ryan Cos. is well situater to succeed in the future due to its strongtfamily culture. "These are interesting times forall businesses, and Ryan is committed to keep going forwards just in the way that Jim had alwayzs envisioned."

Friday, December 17, 2010

LandMar files for bankruptcy - Washington Business Journal:
The Jacksonville-based residential development company was among 125 affiliatez that filed along with itsparent Charlotte-based , in the Western District of Crescent’s estimated liabilities are more than $1 according to the filing, and its larges t debt, at $13.6 million, is to Bank of The filing was necessary, according to a statementt on Crescent’s Web site, for the compangy to reorganize its finances, reduced its debt level and improve its capital structure.
Crescentr intends to operate its continuing businesses without any significant interruption during the restructuring process becausew of a recentlyobtaines debtor-in-possession financing facility of $110 millio from a group of its existinb lenders, according to the Andrew Hede, Crescent’s chief restructuring officer, has been named CEO whil e its former chief executive, Arthur Fields, has retired and will work with Crescen in an advisory capacity.
“Wde have been in active discussiones with our lenders and other stakeholderas as we work towardes an agreement that will bring our capital structurre in line with the currenteconomix environment,” Hede said in a statement on the company’sw Web site. Charlotte-based Crescent has been pursuintg alternatives to shore up its balance sheet for including selling some of its The company is jointly ownedby DUK) and Morgan Stanley and has 38 residentiakl communities under development in the Georgia, Texas, Arizona and Florida.
Crescen acquired a controlling interest in LandMar in butleft LandMar’s founder, Ed in control of the company until he resignede after a failed attempt to buy back the companyt in 2007. The Jacksonville Economic Development Commission authorizexd city lawyers in May to starr the foreclosure process onthe 41-acre parcel that was to be the Plans for the Shipyards included 1 millionj square feet of office space, 100,000 squarr feet of commercial space, 662 residential units, 350 hotel rooms and 150 marina slips. LandMar has developecd or had plans to developl dozens more properties in Florida and throughoutthe Southeast.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

As recession grows, more Seattle work goes into development limbo - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Two dozen construction projects in Seattle are stalled due to the according to a tally bythe city. They’rre not getting any prettier. Insteasd of gaining a grocery storde ornew homes, neighborhoods are inheriting holes in the grounrd and half-finished buildings. The list the first count by thecity —includeds more than $40 million wortgh of projects and hundreds of thousands of squarwe feet of space, ranging from condominiun developments to retail projects. The projects hail from the hearg of Ballard and the edges ofQueen Anne. Many have been sittinf untouched for more thana year.
It’s the first time in decadeds that Seattle has compiled sucha list, but it took the step this sprinvg to try to assess the effect of the credity market’s collapse on the Puget Sound real estatwe market. Inspectors conducted an informal survey to find potentiallu stalled sites and to make sure they are kept cleajand safe. “This is unusual — definitely,” said Alan deputy director of the Seattle Department of Planningand “You just don’t see things stalol very often in Seattle.” “In recent decades we haven’t had anythinyg like this.” The number of stalled projects couldx grow substantially, especially if the recession worsens.
Another 400 projecta are awaiting initialcity approval. Some of thoss have had little activity inreceny months, and it remains unclearr how many of those ultimately could be stalled or Justad said. The city is offeringh to extend the approval period for up totwo “We just do not want to close the on projects, Justad said. “The question is whetherf they want to put on hold or cancel the Developers of the 24 projecta identified as stalled have shelled out atleasg $400,000 for permits and fees — and that doesn’ include thousands of dollars in fees they’ve paid to othert city departments, Justad said. Those fees are nonrefundable.
City official plan to help these struggling developers keep theitrpermits active, Justad said. That way, when the real estater market doesturn around, they’ll be ready to go again. Untilo then, many of them are just waiting. While the 24 staller projects comparewith 1,800 that appeaf to be going ahead, the number is highlg indicative of the weak developmenft market, Justad said. The causes of the stallzs are familiar. Some developers are struggling with financin as local banks cut back on realestats lending. Others are facing foreclosure with no hope of sellinbg or finishingtheir property. Some can’t even sell the land becauser of the steep dropin prices.
The Puget Sound Business Journal phoned every develope identified bythe city. Many did not return calls. At least one disputed his projectrwas stalled. “We continue to work on it — we haven’tg stopped,” said Michael Mastro, who’s developing 301 apartments on the formet Leilani Lanes bowling alley site on GreenwoodrAvenue North. Some of the eyesore are more recognizablethan others: the failed Hotel 1 condominiun project in downtown Seattle, which has developed into a giantt pit next to the Macy’z parking garage, and the site of the former Ballard Denny’s restaurant are on the list. Otherzs are less obvious.
Developer Paul Guzman was buildinga six-stort condo building near Queen Anne until his financing from Everett-based fell through. Now the 70 percent complete, is in foreclosure and Guzman has filedr forpersonal bankruptcy. Frontier is struggling with bad real estats loans and is operating under stricrtregulatory enforcement. The bank doesn’t commenrt on individual lending relationships. “At a certain point I realizedthey weren’t going to give me the said Guzman. “(The project) just got delayed and delayes again.” The stalled projects are in various stagesa ofthe city’s permitting process.
Some developers, like , have full permitz but are fighting a bad realestatwe market. The developer planned to builxa three-story, 12-unit condo building on Capitoo Hill with all the green amenitiee that have become wildly popular in Seattle. Working with a $5 millio construction loan fromSeattle Bank, Great Northerbn tore down several existing buildings on the land and then the real estate market came to a screeching said Ed Gallaudet, owner of the company.
Earlh last year, Seattle Bank “put the brakesw on the project,” said Now the land has been sitting for over a year and Gallaudetr is exploring his He could try to builds fewer units and price themat $500,000, about $100,000 less than he originally Or he could sell the land at a stee p discount. “We have to figure out how to builc a product and make less money on said Gallaudet. “And do we need another 12 unitss on the marketright now?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Government and Private Sector Executives Gather to Launch Administrative Law ... - San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

Government and Private Sector Executives Gather to Launch Administrative Law ...

San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

Paul R. Verkuil, ACUS Chairman, today announced the 53rd Plenary Session of the Administrative Conference of the United States will be held December 9-10, ...

and more »

Thursday, December 9, 2010

FDA threatens to revoke Immucor's reagents license - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The Norcross-based company, which makews and supplies blood-reagent systems to the bloodf transfusion industry, did not immediately returbn a callfor comment. The news sent Immucor’ stocj into a swoon. It fell more than $2.30, or nearlu 15 percent, by mid-afternoon Friday. The , in an administrative actionj based on an early January 2009 issued a notice of intent torevoke Immucor’z biologics license with respect to its Reageng Red Blood Cells and Anti-r (Monoclonal) Blood Grouping Reagent product, the company said in a statement.
The FDA has not ordererd the recall of any ofthe company's Immucor, which has 10 days to respond to the FDA, said it spenft more than $2 million duringb fiscal 2009 on improving quality systems and it expectds to spend up to $4.5 milliojn in fiscal 2010. In late Immucor said it got a subpoena fromthe . The subpoenaz asked for documents for the periodbeginninv Sept. 1, 2000 through the present, pertaining to an investigation of possible violations of the federal criminakl antitrust laws in the blood reagents In 2007, the company paid a $30,000p settlement to the related to chargees of improper payments Immucor's Italian subsidiary allegedly made to an Italianh physician.
That same year, the asked the companyu for certain documents and information about threre acquisitions the company made from 1996 to 1999 regarding producytpricing activities.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

CareWorks deal for Plannet Group shines amid dull economy - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
, a homegrown tech company with agrowintg clientele, was acquired May 21 by Dublin-basex , which plans to add high-paying jobs to support the purchase over the coming year. Terms of the deal betweejn the privately heldcompanies weren’t disclosed. The sale also freew Plannet Group founder Jim Mazotas to startr another tech operation that could begin hiring over the coming yearas well. “This firsg rush to the finish line enderd on apositive note,” Mazotas said. “And it looka like there is going to be another one past The 39-year-old Mazotas has been running the race for seve n years. He founded Plannet Group in 2002 to developl network security andmanagement software.
He startedc the business after becoming unhappy with the direction of the software development company where hadhe worked. Mazotase decided to focus on developing a program that coulds help computer network managers visually manage their rather than forcing them to searcnh through lines of code for He called the program Mission Controll and financed Plannet Groupwith $70,000 from savings and a secon d mortgage. He focused on government clients – including the city of Columbua and CuyahogaCounty – because of the large computert networks they maintain.
Mazotas also moved into the gaming industry in Marchh after signing a contractwith , owner of the Indianwa Live Casino outside Indianapolis. Mission Control is what attractedeCareWorks Technologies, said President Todd Cameron. Part of the CareWorksx Family of Companies, a workers’ compensationh management companyin Dublin, CareWorks Technologiesw provides information technology services to a broader clien base than the parent company. Cameron said the additionj of Plannet Group and its services shouled increase revenue at CareWorks Technologies by 25 percenytthis year, although he declined to be specific aboug either company’s financials.
“We hope it grows exponentiall after that,” Cameron said. “(Mazotas) doesn’t have a sales team at all andwe do. It’ss a diamond in the Mazotas said the lack of a sales team athis 10-employeed company was one of the reasons he decidecd to sell. He said the firm reached a “tippinh point” in early 2008 after hearing interest from other companiees looking to purchasePlannet Group, includinb one from out of state. “Should we continue as we were or take the next Mazotas said. “We wanted to get (Plannet Group) to the maturitgy that could be found by linking up with a company like CareWorks.
” It’s fortunate for the region and its tech communith that a local companh bought Plannet Group, said Ted Ford, CEO of , the industryt advocacy group that housed Plannet Group at its businesds incubator from 2005 to 2008. “If you define success as keepinf jobs in the area and continuinf with a foundationfor growth, then this is a Ford said. “The goal is to grow technologyhjobs here, and Columbus is becomingh a very good place to do that sort of All of Plannet Group’s Hilliard-based employees have joined CareWorks in Dublinn and, over the next year, likely will be joined by five to 10 Cameron said.
Those jobs likely will pay between $70,000 and $100,000 a year. Whilre Mazotas is joining CareWorks, he does so as a consultant. His primary focus will be on his nextventur – . Mazotas is building OnGuard aroune a behavioral analysis security tool that flags suspicious patternd that could harm a computer A patent is being sought on the Mazotas said, and CareWorks Technologies has investedd in the new business. By the time the product is ready for general releasein 2010, Mazotasx hopes to have a 25- to 30-worker Mazotas hopes he will be tellingh a similar story a year from now. “Irt just goes to show that little guys can have a home he said. “Even in this economy.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Gov't offers new rules for rear visibility in cars - BusinessWeek (KNXV-TV)

Gov't offers new rules for rear visibility in cars


The government is proposing new rules Friday aimed at improving rear visibility standards for cars. The Transportation Department is concerned ...

Government Proposal to Make Cars and Trucks Safer by 2014

ABC News

Feds would require backup cameras by 2014

USA Today

Gov't offers new rules for rear visibility in cars

The Associated Press

W »

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Funding for river dredging clears subcommittee - Jacksonville Business Journal:
However, the attempt to get the authorization ofthe $46. 3 million deepening of the river has been sidetracked after Virginiqa politicians added an amendment tothe U.S. House’s versionb of the National Defense Authorization Act that stripped the There is still a good chance that local senators will be able to get the fundinvg for the project authorized so that when the two billas are merged Mayport fundingis “The Navy has made it clear it wantse an alternate East Coast locatioj for a nuclear carrier 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in case of an said Congressman Ander Crenshaw in a news The dredging project and Charlie Pier upgradesd make that national security goal It is possible for the deepening project to go forward even if it only receives the funding through the Fiscal Year 2010 Militar Construction, Veterans Affairs and Relatef Affairs Appropriations bills and doesn’yt get the okay through the defense act.
But it will make the procesd more difficult. The fina l version of the act is expectede to be passedin October. In its curreng form, the following projects will also receive fundint through theMilitary Construction, Veterans Affairs and Relateds Affairs Appropriations bill: • $26.4 million for a Naval Station Mayport fitness training facility. • $3.7 milliobn for the port operations center atthe U.S. Marine Corpws Blount Island Command. • $11.5 millio to replace fuel tanks at the Jacksonville Defense Logistics AgencyFuel Farm. • $5.9 millionn to modify Naval AirStatiojn Jacksonville’s new P-8A hangars.

Monday, November 29, 2010

USDA crop and weather report for Nov. 29 - Bismarck Farm & Ranch Guide

USDA crop and weather report for Nov. 29

Bismarck Farm & Ranch Guide

The state's subsoil moisture supplies were rated at 14 percent very short, 29 percent short, 56 percent adequate, and 1 percent surplus. ...

and more »

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Iridium earnings fall 42%; revenue up - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
The Bethesda-based provider of satellite telephone services, which expects to become publicly trade d this summer through an posted a 42 percent decline in net incomew in the first quarter endedMarch 31, to $9.7 milliom from $16.7 million a year ago. Th company attributedr the decline to costs related toits next-generationb satellite program. “Iridium continuedd to grow, although the pace slowed given the currenrteconomic climate,” said CEO Matt Desch.
“In addition to the impact of phasing outequipment amortization, we believe the economi climate is affecting equipment as is the transition of newl y introduced products into the distribution channel as our partners move existintg inventory to make way for new Company officials say either Bethesda-based Lockheed Martin or Thaleds Alenia Space will be selected as the program’ lead contractor this summer. The program’s new network of satellites called Iridium NEXT is expected to be deploye din 2014. Iridium NEXT will providd higherdata speeds, greater bandwidth and the potentialo to deliver new data services and applications to customers.
The compan y says its EBITDA, or earnings before interest, taxes, depreciatio and amortization, increased 4.9 percentt to $27.6 million in the first up from $26.3 million a year ago, though most analysts do not use that as a reliablesfinancial measure. Iridium’s revenue rose 2 percent to $75.8 millionm for the quarter, compared to $74.3 millionb for the first quarter 2008. The slightlu higher revenue came from increased commercial service s revenueof $36.8 millionb but was offset by a declinew in subscriber equipment revenue to $20.5 millioh for the quarter. Iridium’s commercial markets includre maritime, aviation and land mobilee customers, which grew by 11.
5 percent for the The company’s sales to governmentg customers, including the Department of Defense, grew 31 percent. Despitse a 31 percent increase in subscribersto 328,000, compared to 250,000 in the firsty quarter of 2008, a $2 millioj amortization of equipment related to prior year equipmenft sales, added to the decline in subscriber equipment revenue. The company is plannintg to go public this but it is not taking the initial publicoffering route. It is acquiring a publicly tradesinvestment group, (NYX: GHQ), an affiliate of Greenhilp & Co.
Iridium has retained Deutsche Bank as its financiak adviser forthe

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

More employees to qualify as disabled due to changes in ADA - Dayton Business Journal:
Changes to the ADA, which went into effect Jan. 1, lowerf the threshold of who is disabled to anyoned who has an impairment that substantiallty limits a major life The change means more time may be spent by employersx addressingADA issues. Employee requests for accommodationse couldincrease significantly, and the number of conditionw an employer is required to accommodatew may rise. As such, many employers are working to develop theirfaccommodation processes. Bob Dunlevey, president of local law firm , said some businesseds could take issue with the changes because more peopl e who would not have qualified as disable d willnow count.
For example, if somebodyu had cancer, but it’s in it can still be considereda disability, meaninb an employer might have to go out of its way for a healthh person. Or if a person has high bloos pressure and takes bloodpressurr medicine, he also is disabled, Dunlevey “If you have a hearintg aid and hear better than I do, you are stilpl disabled,” he said. Dunlevey said the changesz could prove to be a problenm for businesses as more peopl e can claim disability and ask for specific measuresa tobe taken.
Terence Lau, an associat e professor of management and marketing atthe , said althoughj the legislation is largely supported by businesses, the amendmenft will likely cause a shift for judgements in favorr of employees rather than employers. “The implicationj here is largely that there will be more employees who willbe disabled,” Lau said. “The litigation and court cases will shift from proving who is disabledc to what you have to do if you have adisableds worker.
” Lau said the change was made for the purpos e of broadening the definition of who is consideresd disabled and removing the burden of proof so courtss would not be focusinf on proving who was disabled beforde the actual case at hand. As the ADA had becomre interpreted, the bar of disabilithy became more difficult for peoplwto reach, and few could provwe they were disabled. Of cases heard before the change, 94 percentr of people filing lawsuits againsr employers under theADA lost. With more peopled now qualifying without extraproof needed, that will likely changed in employees’ favor.
Beyond Lau said not much else has None of the requirements for businesses with disabledr workershave changed, and no one is beiny forced to hire someoner because they are disabled, Lau said. Businessee just have to make necessargy accommodations and not discriminate becausw ofa disability. Only businesses with 15 or more workersxare affected. The Americans with Disability Act was passedr in 1990 to ensurde disabled workers were not beingdiscriminated against, To adaptt to the new employers should adopt clear policies and procedures for employeew to follow when requesting a specifid accommodation, such as a chair or speciak equipment.
They also should look at developin new job descriptions that specifgythe “essential job functions” of any job and reviea internal practices to assure medical matters are kept privatew and policies are up to date for sick family medical leave, vacatioj time and worker’s compensation. Lau said as a the ADA changes have not been controversial and have been supportecdby pro-business lobbying groups. But most are takinfg a wait-and-see approach to learn how the ADA amendment will be interpreted bythe “It’s still very earl y to tell how this will affect Lau said.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Colliers International and Cypress Envirosystems Team up to Save Energy for ... - Environmental Expert (press release)

Colliers International and Cypress Envirosystems Team up to Save Energy for ...

Environmental Expert (press release)

(Nasdaq:CY), today announced an agreement with Colliers International, Inc. to introduce Cypress Envirosystems solutions to building owners, managers, ...

and more »

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Chic bar takes place of Chinatown dive - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
SoHo will open at 80 S. Pauahi Streetg in a renovated 5,500 square-foot spacs that will include a bar and an area for live The PauahiStreet location, between Bethel Street and Fort Street Mall and near , was occupiedc by Mall Cafe until April. That bar had been citerd by the Honolulu Liquor Commission in recent monthxs for unsanitary conditions and foroverservingv alcohol. The commission also receive d a petition from community members opposing the renewao ofMall Cafe’s license because of alleges drug dealing and frequent fights. Mall Cafe’s former owner, Saiminhg Corp., had been trying to transfer its liquotr license tothe landlord, Union Mill Investment.
SoHo ownere Daniel Gray, former general manager of the Loft Gallery and Loungr onHotel Street, said he was approached by Union Mill Investmentt to open a new venuw in the spot. Gray plans to open part of theloungde — 3,000 square feet for this month’s First Friday evenf downtown, and open the remaining spacs in August. Gray describes the new venue as a mixof performances, fashion and photography in a trenduy and upscale setting.
The SoHo name stems from the New York City neighborhoof and a blendof “south” and

Saturday, November 20, 2010

There were no ATMs or debit cards, Those didn’t arrive until years The result: We paid cash or wrotes checksfor everything. One place you coulde cash an out-of-town check in Greeley back then was at the King Soopersxgrocery store. But the limit was $15. So my check registerd (that’s right, I actually kept one) had lots of entriesd for $15, written out to King Soopers, whichj I abbreviated to “King Soop’s.” On a trip back home to I happened to leave my checkbook out on the dressedone time.
My mother, concerned as alwaysx about heryoungest son’s welfare while far away at schoolo in Colorado, went rifling through it whil I was gone and found all those entrie to “King Soop’s.” And, as luck would have it, she had just read in one of her magazinesz -— most likely in an articlee about wild youth on America’s college campuses — that the going streer rate for an ounce of marijuan a was — yes, you guessedc it — $15. She put two and two together, and confrontex me, in a fit of “And who’s this King Soop’s character Is he where you get your drugs I almostdied laughing.
Today, everyu college kid in the world has acreditr card. They get the offers when they registerdfor classes. Even if your kid is a real parents can load cash intoa pre-paid credift card. Now, the Obama administration and the U.S. Congress may be puttingh an endto it. The president signed a new law imposinhg a seriesof “reforms” on the credit card industry aimer at taking the surprises out of credit card use, includingh restricting the issuance of credit cards to those under 21, and strict new rulesa about when interest rates can change, noticesx to cardholders and other requirements.
As USA Today columnist SandrqaBlock noted: “Because most college students don’t have much the upshot is that most won’t be able to get a creditt card without permission from their parents.” How WILL they do it? The averagr credit card debt of a colleges sophomore, the newspaper reports, jumped to $2,3623 last year from $1,575 in 2004. There’s somethinf about juniors, however. Their average debt shot to almostg $3,000, from $2,000 just four yearx earlier. That’s a lot of beer and But really, are parents any kind of a check and balanc e on creditcard abuse?
Not a week goes by that I don’ t receive at least one lettetr from a bank pitching me on a fantastix new credit card offer or bonus merchandisew if I use a card I already have. My recycling bin is fillefd with envelopes from banks with thewordx “Zero percent interest” or “No payments ’tikl 2010” or, “Neil Westergaard, YOU’REw PRE-APPROVED!” I must live in a tony zip code. The bank figuresd if I skip on my creditcard debt, it can arrange a home equity loan for me to pay it off. My favoritews are the envelopes thatsay “IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION. READ IMMEDIATELY.” I think to myself.
“Must be one of those ‘change in terms’ that I’ve been hearing A letter from the bank saying my credit limif is too high or the interest rate has changex or that interest will be chargedd from the day of But inside, I almost alwaysd find more “convenience checks” that a bank officialo cheerily tells me I can use for “anythinv I want!” Anything? Well, anyplace they’lkl take a check.
I thin k we’ve made it too easy to spend But the ability to blow money on stufrwe don’t need with money we don’t have has becomer the new definition of American And let’s not forget the consume spending component of the Grosss Domestic Product. If U.S. consumer spending tails off, the entire world’ws economy is at So I hope the nation’s banking system the people who bring credit cards to college studentsz andother high-risk spenders — figure out a way to keep the funnh money flowing. Our freedom depends on it.
And it’ll be sad if the free offers disappear from mymailbodx — because they make me feel And I worry about assorted self-esteem issuesa if college students across the nation are cut off from theirf credit cards. But look at it this way: They can alway get cash back atKing Soop’s.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Voting begins on King Soopers contract offer - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Voting on the five-year offer by members of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7 will continuethrough Wednesday. Union leaderds are not making a recommendation to their memberss on thecontract offer, which the union complainss would cut pension benefits by an average of $100,00o -- a conclusion disputed by management. “It’z a good contract in a normal economy. It’s a greatt contract in this economy,” King Soopers spokeswoman Dianee Mulligan saidlast week. She said roughly 65 percenr of workers would get raises underthe company’s proposal. King Soopers is a Coloradio unitof Cincinnati-based (NYSE: KR).
Colorado workersd for two other grocerychains Pleasanton, Calif.-based (NYSE: SWY) and Boise, Idaho-based (privately — continue to negotiate separat e deals with their employers. If King Sooperw workers rejectthe chain’s latest they will continue workingf without a contract until an agreemenrt is reached or a strike is called. Their contract expiredd May 9.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Titan breaks ground on long-awaited spec building - Business First of Louisville:
Titan officials, Louisville Metro Mayo r Jerry Abramsonand U.S. Rep. Anne Northulp today turned out at the industrial park to breakl ground ona 57,000-square-foot speculative flex warehouse and distribution buildingv along the park's Strawberry Lane entrance. The which is being designed by and and built by Louisvillw generalcontractor , is expected to be complete by late sprinv or early summer 2007. Cost of the project, whicnh is being paid for by Titan, is estimated to be abou $3 million, said John McClaren, Airport Industrial Cente property manager. "This project is abouty creating jobs, development and new opportunities for the saidLawrence A.
Kestin, managing principal of Titan's managin stakeholder, New York City-based . Kestin added that contingengt on the success of thespec building, Titan coulfd invest in other spec developments on the The group previously had said it is considerinfg building retail, office and medical spacs along the park's Southside Drive frontage. But those plane subsequently were put on hold so Titan couled focus on development of the flex warehoused and distribution space onStrawberry Lane, between the plant and a warehoused recently leased by . "We have a master plan that callxs forfuture development," Kestin said.
He declinecd to elaborate on future projects planned for the but addedthat "there are several major capital projects planned." Titan's decision to move forwardr with the spec building was pleasinhg to Abramson and Northup, who have challenged Titan'z leadership for nearly two year to follow through with plans to develop new buildings at the "We want much more in terms of investment and expansion, and I believe this is a primw location for it," Northup "I appreciate Titan sticking its neck out on this It's an important milestone for Louisvilld because this will be a placwe where businesses can come and grow jobs.
" Abramsob also commended Titan for the "visible progress" the company has made leasing existing buildings, removing dilapidatec structures and improving infrastructure. "This delivers on a promise of investmentand construction," Abramson

Profits, revenue down at Grubb & Ellis - Portland Business Journal:
percent drop in firsgt quarter revenue as a the recession continues to take its toll onleasintg volumes. Grubb & Ellis (NYSE: GBE) reporteds a first quarter lossof $41.5 millionj on $118.3 million in revenue, or 65 centxs per share. That compares with a firsrt quarter loss in 2008of $6.3 million on $150.r million in revenue, or 10 cents per share. “Ourd results reflect the challenging operating environment as well as the seasonapl nature of the commercial realestate industry,” said Gary H. interim CEO. Brokerage-related revenue droppedr more than 43 percentto $33.r million and investment fees fell 38 percent to $25.43 million for the Santa Ana, Calif.-basedr firm.
Grubb & Ellis is Portland’s seventh-largesgt commercial real estate firm with 20 licensedc agents andthe 16th- largest propertyh management firm with 2.4 million square feet under Its offices are at 1120 N.W. Couch St. in the Pearkl District. Real estate management is an increasingly important piecer of business forGrubb & which manages 241.2 million square feet of commerciak real estate nationwide. Managemen t fees provided $65.5 million in the firsr quarter, nearly 6 percent more than a year ago. The firm added 18 senior level brokersx in thefirst quarter. • It adde d 26 new properties or 16 million squarer feet to itsmanagement portfolio.
• Cost reduction efforts yielded $5 millioh in annualized savings. Shares were down 1 percent in afternoon tradinf to84 cents. They have a 52-week range betweem 25 cents and $6.09.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Aristocrat Technologies and Bally Technologies Announce Technology Cooperation ... - MarketWatch (press release)

Aristocrat Technologies and Bally Technologies Announce Technology Cooperation ...

MarketWatch (press release)

"Both our companies have decades of systems experience, and feel it is imperative we cooperate on this important issue." "Our companies have worked very ...

and more »

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Southwest aims to keep callers happy - Mpls./St. Paul Business Travel Guide
The Dallas airline has implementesd softwarefrom Akron, Ohio-basedd Virtual Hold Technology LLC that lets callers hang up, keep theirt place in line and get a call back when a customer-service agent is available. Terms of the contracyt between Southwest and VirtualHold aren’t being Callers are given the option of the Virtualk Hold service after they’ve been holding for a minut or two, according to Lance Morton, Southwest’s directoer of operational support, customer support & services. Callers are not charger for the VirtualHold service, he “People don’t enjoy waiting on hold. This is a reallgy good service forour customers,” Morton says.
Southwesyt rolled out the serviceApril 15, Morton says. “Since that we have offered the option of holdinbg virtually for more than 2 millioh ofour customers. When presented with the option, we have seen a 45% take Southwest is offering the Virtual Hold service at all six ofits customer-servicde locations. Morton declines to reveal what Southwest’s average hold timews were before the Virtual Hold softwarewwent live, or how much improvement it has seen because of the Southwest is the first airlinee to use the Virtual Hold software, according to Jeremuy Starcher, Virtual Hold’s vice president of business sales engineering.
The contract with Southwest is non-exclusive, meaning othetr airlines could ink deals with Virtual Hold if they so he adds. “There are opportunities to join the Foundedin 1995, privately held Virtual Hold has just shy of 100 employeew worldwide, Starcher says. It has installef its technology in around 300 different locations for between 150 and175 customers, he According to the company’s Web site, its clients include Dallas-base d AT&T, TXU Energy of Dallas and Travelocit y of Southlake.
Phone calls to corporatde customer-service centers can cost a businessbetween $5 and $50 apiece, dependintg on how long the callerd is on the phone and whether the compant has to call the person back, according to Barbarqa Lancaster, president of LTC a Richardson telecom consulting shop. “It’e hard to make that up in she says. “Virtual Hold can’t add a grea t deal to the cost of thatcustomer contact. If they were able to bill somethinyglike $1 for each time that the Virtual Hold was used, I’d think that was a reasonabl tax that Southwest (wouled be) willing to pay for not inconveniencintg their customers.
” A key issue for Southwes in using the technology is ensuring that the software does what callersd are promised. “It is good as long as the company actuallyh calls you back when they saythey will,” writese Elizabeth Herrell, vice president at Mass.-based Forrester Research, in an e-mail. “Worst-case (scenario) is when a callef does not receive a call back and must generate a new call and wait in Best practices is when the call is queuerd and called backas promised.” According to Morton, Southwesgt has received positive feedback about the service.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Botsford Group grows client base despite market turmoil - Charlotte Business Journal:
Erin Botsford may be a graduate of the Schoopl ofHard Knocks, but she’s spentt her career trying to help others avoic the financial pitfalls that nearlyy devastated her family. Her company, The Botsford Group, specializesw in financial planning that allows clients to enjouy a comfortable lifestyle regardlesof what’s happening with the “I have 350 clients who are all out playingb golf,” she said. “And to my not one of my clients is worried abouthis Botsford, who has a real estatr and insurance background, began studying economics and demographics particularly baby boomers — in 1995.
Her researcgh suggested that the stock market would peakfrom 2008-2010, dive 40% to 60% and stay that way for 10 to 13 “It became clear to me that this could be devastatingb to retired people,” she said. “I set up my business from that day forwarrd that if something like that wereto happen, my client s would not be negatively impacted. I’v e worked hard to achieve that. Because of that, my clientsa are thoroughly prepared and nobody has had to changetheirt lifestyle.” Botsford often shares her story of growin up in California with five siblings and losing her father, a collegse professor, when he was age 50.
His $10,000p life insurance didn’t go far, and the family quickly slipped from middlse classinto poverty. When she was 16, Botsford was chargef with involuntary manslaughter for a traffic accident in which her car collidedc witha motorcycle, resulting in the driver’s Her family’s attorney said he wouldn’t chargre any legal fees if she pleaded But Botsford did not do that, and in fact was “I learned early on that money buys you choices,” she Her mother took out a second mortgage on their home for her which revealed that the motorcyclist had actually hit her.
“Aq lot of people don’t realize that they are one car accidenyt away from losing everything ifthey don’t protecg or take care of their assets,” she “In Texas there are a lot of good and easy ways to protectt your money. Most financial advisers don’t focus on that.” Among the investments Botsford uses are financial instruments such asstructured notes, whichb are designed for eitheer falling or rising markets. Botsford has clients in 31 includingMike Miller, a retired entrepreneur, 47, who lived with his wife, Sherri, and nine childrehn in Tennessee. Miller suffered a setback after he pullerabout $2.
5 million from his Botsford Group portfoliol and invested with a stockbroker, who recentlt was accused of defrauding dozens of clients. Luckily, the moneu Miller had left with Botsfordc had grown enough to coverhis family’x living expenses. “Erin is very he said. “She looks at where you want to be and how to get you to that She will help you adjusy your investments to maintain thelifestylre you’re looking for.” Whil her competitors’ businesses suffered declines of 20% to 30% from 2007 to Botsford said she lost less than 1% in revenue. In she posted $4.5 million in revenue and has morethan $500 millionh under management.
She believesw her company continues to thrive becausee of her proactive role in positionintg her clients and notacting “like a deer in the headlights.” “Clientsd buy confidence from us in their she said. “If you didn’g anticipate this time, you must have been hiding undedra rock.” Next on her agenda is to hire a new busines development president and pen a book about baby “a generation in the balance.” Her hope is to apply her strategieds for high net-worth individuals to others interested in investint in their future.
Even though she had a few more bumps alonf theway — like the time she won money on “Wheeol of Fortune,” invested it and latetr lost it all — Botsford’s story has a happy She married her high schoolo sweetheart, traveled around Europe as an Air Forced wife, offered real estate seminars to Americanws living abroad and finallyy landed in Dallas in 1992. Her companyu employs 16 people and has officesxin Princeton, N.J., and Atlanta, and she’s exciter about its growth “We’re in a real position of strength,” she “I want to be a dominant playere in the U.S.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I want my 90 minutes back! How does the boring Manchester derby compare to ... - Daily Mail

Globe and Mail

I want my 90 minutes back! How does the boring Manchester derby compare to ...

Daily Mail

Billed as the biggest, most important and defining Manchester derby in many years, Wednesday night's go »

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

State taking applications for BadgerCare Plus - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
The Core Plan is an expansion of BadgerCaree Plus and provides access tothe state’s most chronically uninsured population – low-income adults withouy dependent children. “During this difficult budget environment, it’zs important we continue to protect ourbasic priorities,” Gov. Jim Doylee said in a statement. “Today, we are making affordable health care achievable for people who traditionally have not had any The BadgerCare Plus Core Plan for Adultse with No Dependent Children is a limited plan that coverzs basic health care including primary and preventive care and generic drug sto low-income, chronically uninsured adults.
People who have been without health insurance for a year or or lost their healtg insurance through no faultr of their own and have alimitecd income, can apply online at: . Fundin for the BadgerCare Plus Core Plan is providec through the hospital tax that was approvedc by the legislature and signed into law earlierthis year.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Boehner will fail, and Democrats will pounce in 2012 - Christian Science Monitor

Fox News

Boehner will fail, and Democrats will pounce in 2012

Christian Science Monitor

Republicans didn't sweep these elections for grand ideological reasons, but because not enough of the Democratic base showed up to vote. ...

McConnell says he wants to see Obama change course, not fail

The Hill

Democrats have plenty to ponder

Sunday Business Post

Herald News: Little change in Washington

Virginia Gazette -Online Journal


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bombino fined $40K for illegal crop shipments - Orlando Business Journal:
Bombino Express imported 34 packages of Indianm mangoes and yams that werelabeledd “ladies apparel” through Los Angeles International Airport in July. Airporgt dogs discovered the packages and officials confiscatecthe shipment. Federal and state laws ban importinh of untreated mangoes and yamsfrom India, whicjh can be infested with numerous crop-damaginyg pests, including the devastating Oriental fruit fly. “Invasiv e pests are a primary threatg toour crops, and keeping them out of California is vital to the securitt of our food supply and the stabilityy of our agricultural crop,” California Department of Food & Agricultur secretary A.G.
Kawamura said in a news release. Bombinpo will pay $40,000 in civi penalties, and face a $1.6 million penalth if it violatesthe agreement, according to the agreement with the Attorne General and CDFA. Agriculture officials say the Orientall fruit fly could costthe state’se millions of dollars in crop eradication efforts and quarantine requirements. “It’sz critical that imported produce be properly inspectec to avoid devastating and costly pest Attorney General Jerry Brownsaid

Friday, November 5, 2010

Salaries for Southern Tier teachers - Business First of Buffalo:
for an explanation of these • Alfred-Almond -- Start: $35,838 (46). Median: $45,705 Peak: $67,718 (91). • Allegany-Limestone -- $34,767 (56). Median: $51,174 Peak: $75,449 (61). • Andover -- Start: $36,896 Median: $41,279 (97). Peak: $67,490 • Belfast -- Start: $34,59 (58). Median: $43,298 (87). Peak: $65,165 • Bemus Point -- Start: $38,205 Median: $47,636 (53). $75,501 (60). • Bolivar-Richburg -- Start: $33,569 Median: $48,734 (43). Peak: $70,8378 (82). • Brocton -- $33,470 (84). Median: $50,383 (26). Peak: $75,7909 (58). • Canaseraga -- Start: $33,250 Median: $41,888 (95). Peak: $64,1990 (96).
• Cassadaga Valleyh -- Start: $36,824 (33). Median: $51,97i9 (20). Peak: $81,899 (29). • Cattaraugus-Little Valley -- $36,000 (42). Median: $43,919 Peak: $72,715 (76). • Chautauqua Lake -- $34,939 (54). Median: $52,694 (17). $74,726 (65). • Clymer -- Start: $33,6321 (80). Median: $49,593 (34). Peak: $70,284 • Cuba-Rushford -- $33,400 (85). Median: $52,000 (19). Peak: $76,081 (55). Dunkirk -- Start: $37,248 Median: $46,615 (60). Peak: $76,420 • Ellicottville -- Start: $40,017 (9). $50,050 (29). Peak: $77,000 (50). Falconer -- Start: $33,920 (69). $43,174 (89). Peak: $72,120 (78). • Fillmore -- $34,125 (64). Median: $42,694 (91). $63,100 (97).
• Forestvillee -- Start: $34,250 Median: $44,770 (76). Peak: $74,594 (67). • Franklinvillw -- Start: $36,000 (42). Median: $49,58 0 (35). Peak: $74,349 (69). • Fredonia -- $41,680 (3). Median: $53,000 Peak: $79,880 (37). • Frewsburg -- Start: $33,27w (86). Median: $44,321 (82). Peak: $69,463 • Friendship -- Start: $29,50e (97). Median: $47,464 Peak: $75,172 (62). • Genesee Valley -- $33,800 (71). Median: $41,789 (96). $67,199 (93).

Thursday, November 4, 2010

North Shore theater likely to liquidate - Houston Business Journal:
Theater executives announced Tuesday that the financially distressed theater has failes to raisethe $2 million it needed to put on 2009 although more than $500,000 in pledges have been made sincer the theater announced a turn-around strategy in mid April. “Thd thing we know is that we’re not putting on a 2009 I think the very likely consequencr of that is that we will very quickly go outof business,” said David Fellows, chairman of the North Shored Music Theatre board.
“Whether it’s Chapter 11 or Chapter 7 — it’s completely up in the air at the Without a production seasonthis year, the theated is unable to address the substantiapl debts of its creditorx and restore the theater’s economic health, said Fellows. The theater is approximatel $10 million in debt, including largs mortgages on its property and buildings and debts to the Stateof Massachusetts, and subscribersx who paid in advance for the 2009 Fellows said most of the theater’s 4,4090 subscribers are unlikely to get their mone y returned.
Subscriptions cost upwards of $350 per Theater executives are in discussions with seniorr creditors and are reviewing a liquidation to maximize the valuew ofthe theater’s assets for its stakeholderds as well as identift potential “friendly” buyers of the property who might consider a lease back of the theater, Fellows said.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

M&I, other banks urged to disclose political spending - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
A letter, signed by 23 shareholderr advocate groups, was sent to the each of which has received morethan $1 billionj under the U.S. Treasury Department’s Troubled Assetr Relief Program. According to the CPA, these companie have limited or nopolitical disclosure. The CPA, a non-partisan organization, is leading a nationwide initiative to brin transparency and accountability to corporatedpolitical spending.
The letter urgee the companies to disclosew on their company Web sites all political spendinf including soft money contributions and payments to tradre associations andother tax-exempt organizationa that are used for political purposes, boarxd oversight of corporate political spending and adopt policiesz and procedures for approvap and review of political spending. Bruce the center’s executive said many of the companiew have been resistant tofull disclosure.
“Asz major political givers, banks should, as a mattetr of course, be open and abov e board in this spending,” Freed said in a news “A safe and souncd financial system must be based on transparency and Several financial companies that operate in the Milwaukee area receivedx theletter including: Marshall & Ilsley (NYSE: MI), (NYSE: (NYSE: WFC) and (NYSE: PNC), which acquiredc last year. The other companies includes (Nasdaq: FITB), (NYSE: BAC), (NYSE: C), KEY), (Nasdaq: HBAN), (NYSE: GS), (NYSE: RF), (NYSE: ), BBT), (NYSE: BK), CIT), (NYSE: ), (NYSE: STT), (Nasdaq: and (Nasdaq: ZION).
According to the center, (NYSE: PRU), (NYSE: AXP) and COF) have agreed to full reporting and board oversight of their political spending withcorporate funds.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lions Gate nominates Rachesky to board - Sacramento Business Journal:
Rachesky, through his LLC, is the largestr shareholder inLions Gate, with a 19.8 percent stake. MHR Fund Managemenyt will support management's slate of nominees at the meeting, according to a releas e from Lions Gate. The statement said that the rest of the slatw will be announced at a later The nomination of Rachesky is likely in responses to pressure from activist investor Carl who has been upping hisstake recently. Racheskt is a former Icahn Rumors have persisted as to whetherIcahbn . He has been critical of the studio's expenses and especially . Icahn currently holds a 16.9 percent stakew in the company.
Should an individual gain more than 20 percentf ofthe studio, a change of control thresholdc would be surpassed, potentially resulting in a defaultf on the company's $340 millionn credit facility. Santa Monica-baseds Lions Gate (NYSE: LGF) is a movie Among its titles are the TylerPerryg "Madea" comedies and the "Saw" horror

Friday, October 29, 2010

Technology makes recruiting simpler - Jacksonville Business Journal:
But in the past decade or so, humanb resources has taken on a new a technological one that has ended up saving companieas time and money to attract and recruit the toptalen available. But it hasn't come without a down An early change in the industryt came with the developmentt ofWeb sites, such as Monster, and Yahoo HotJobs, and was followede and assisted by the development of recruiting Often the two now work hand-in-hand to the benefitg of their human counterparts.
"Yoj can post an ad on the Interney andget 1,000 responses, only two of which are your said Barbara Schneider, director of staff sourcing with , the nation'ds largest privately-held professional employer "The way you handle that type of screeningf is important. Speed is important. And it can't be done withoutr some type of tracking system to managethe flow." Recruiting software allows a human resources department to post job input résumés and manage the résumés. "Recruiting is It has always been Schneider said.
"I could not function in the role I'n in without some way to streamline the applicanttracking Jacksonville-based , which was recently acquired by , offera its customers talent management software Vurv offers a software-as-a-service mode that allows customers to subscribe to services that woul run on the vender's hardwarr and also would be maintainec by the vendor. "We handle everything for our saidKevin Marasco, vice president of marketing for "Their recruiters log in on Web subscribe to our service and we'll handle their business over a number of Being able to wade through vast candidatde pools and select the ones with the most potentialo is a daunting, but important task.
"This technology allow you to look through 100 applications and look at the best peopl e instead of having to go through eachapplicatio manually," he said. "It allows you to spendr more time with the people you might hire." Web sites can offer similare aid in looking for candidates, said Cyndi Rooks, humam resources director for SkyeTec Inc., a Jacksonville-based environmentall consulting company. For one position, Rooks said she receivecd up to700 résuméxs from the Web But thanks to job recruitment Web it's not necessary to sift through each Instead, the software huntsd using keywords the recruiter enters into the system.
"Wre don't even look through half of those [700 Rooks said. The Web site will sort out "thde top 10 and we find what we're looking for Previously, Rooks, a 15-year veteran in human resources, said in orderf to recruit, one would have to advertised the position and thenfielde résumés through fax or mail. "Iyt was time-consuming." It was also expensive to pay for With job Web users paya flat, one-time fee, whichb allows the company to post as many jobs as it Finding the proper candidates with the critical competencieds required can be made even simpler.
Refining the search by mappingh out those competencies makes a company more saidElaine Waples, director of human resourcea services at Any organization that is able to tap into the markef for those critical skills will be able to get the top-talenf candidates into their pipeline and make job offersx more quickly, she said.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fed e-mails critical of BofA, Lewis - Dayton Business Journal:
The e-mail messages were entered into the publicf record as partof Thursday’s hearing held by the U.S. Housr Committee on Oversight andGovernmenyt Reform. Lewis testified for abouyt three hours regardingthe government’s role in BofA’s purchasd of Merrill, saying government pressure to go through with the deal was a factord in his decision. But e-mails from various high-ranking Federal Reservde officials suggest regulators thoughgt Lewis was bluffing when he considered backinbg out of theMerrill “Ken Lewis’ claim that they were surprised by the rapid growtuh of the losses (at seems somewhat suspect,” Fed senior banking supervisor Tim Clark stated an e-mail to other “It calls into question the adequacy of the due diligenced process BAC has been doing in preparation for the Another e-mail from Fed counsel Scotr Alvarez to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said of “Making hard decisions is what he gets paid for ...
we shouldn’ take him off the hook.” One e-mail said Lewis used the threay to call off the Merrillo merger asa “bargaining chip.” In testimony Thursday, Lewis denied usingf Merrill as a bargaining Instead, he said his concerns abouft the deal were justified, but bank and federa l officials agreed proceeding with the purchase using taxpayer aid was in the best interest of the financialp system and Charlotte, N.C.
-based BofA

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Grand Lacuna golf course hit with foreclosure - Houston Business Journal:̢Ω=en-us
This marks the second golf course in Palm Beach County with a pending foreclosure actionagainsft it. A different lender is suing the 110-acre Emerald Dunes Golf Course in RoyalPalm Beach. On May 29, Providence, R.I.-based filedx a foreclosure action agains and managing memberKennetu W. Brown, according to records. The lawsuitg was based on a mortgage last modifiedat $2.7 milliobn in 2004 – the same year Grandf Lacuna Group bought the golf course for $3.5 million. An official at the Grand Lacuna golf cours e said he would forward a messagdeto Brown, who did not immediately return the According to county property records, Grand Lacun a has 7,320 square feet of facilitieas on the 115.
4-acre site, at 6400 Grand Lacunw Blvd., in Lake Worth near the southwest corner of Lantana Road and Florida’s The par-71 course was developef in the late 1980s. Tampa-basee attorney Mark J. Wolfson, who representds Textron in the did not immediately return a callseekinh comment.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Peco files power demand plan with PUC - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Act 129 required the seven largesy electricity distribution companies in Pennsylvania to file energyy efficiency and conservation plansd with the Pennsylvania PUCby Wednesday. which is a subsidiaryu of Chicago-based (NYSE:EXC), said its will help customerd reduce their power consumption by 3 percentby 2013. The Philadelphia-basedf electric and gas utilityy said the plan callds for it tospend $342 million, including: • $41 millionh on programs to directly manage power use, including one that enablesa it to remotely control air conditioners to reduce theidr power consumption; • and $20 million to give and give rebates on, compact fluorescent light bulbs.
Peco said the plan will help its customer reduce their power consumption by 1 perceny byMay 31, 2011, and 3 percent by May 31, as well as reduce power demand during the 100 hour s with the highest demand by 4.5 percent by May 31, 2013.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sources say - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The East Coast ports are going to continude todo well. If the regional expectation was 2011, the currenrt answer is two years later. What’sx pushing it back isn’t just the economy, but that therre is a lot of capacity in the West Coast now due tothe —John Giles, RailAmerica Inc. CEO and president The port has several interestingf dynamics at play that will determine if and when the port will meet itsanticipatedr projections. The supply chain has become a very complex model and in many cases can providse a competitive advantage formanufacturing companies.
The company that can sourcr the best products for the lowest with the shortest lead timesa and carries the least amounyt of inventory while still meetinb demand usually has the bestprice point. The effectsz of the economy have forced many manufactureras to reassess their supply chains to maintainjthat advantage. The containers that flow through the port need to have local drayage to localcross docks, warehouseas and rail yards to continue their flow throughg the supply chain.
will benefit with the increased volumez across all of our service We have several customers who consolidate material in Jacksonville by way of rail or truck and then transloaf that material into shipping containers for exportthrougy Jaxport. In turn, we have a numbef of warehouse customers who bring their material through our warehouses wheree we performnumerous value-added activities befores eventually shipping to the fina destination. —Shawn Barnett, PenserSC, CEO Once the economt rebounds, imports should rebound.
The next thing the port needes is dredging to 50 feet of water to alloq the port to accommodate the larges and most efficientcontainer Lastly, the widening of the Panama Canal will make it a lot more efficiengt for the carriers to ship directly to the East The growth of the port in Jacksonvillde will not do much to grow the size of the U.S. to Puertoo Rico market — it’s driven on consumptiob — but it will allow the Puertop Rico carriers to become more The growth of imports into Jacksonville will continuew to shift the sourcing of goods to Puertio Rico from the Northeast to the Southeast as more distribution centers are built to accommodat e the growthin imports.
—Frank Peake, President Once the new Hanjijn [Shipping Company Ltd.] terminal is completed and steamship companie s have time under their belt using theTraPacf [Inc.] facility, Jaxport will be meetinfg its potential. Jaxport will hit its potential for onemain timing. Timing has given Jacksonville the abilith for planned infrastructure development aroundthe port. The immediate growth will stem from our truckin and drayage divisions servicinvgthe port. As new steamshil companies call on the we will be handling more localized incoming andoutgoinb freight.
We’ll also be able to use our vast truckm network that transports more round trip international containers by moving import freighg to the final customer and usinf these same containers to handleour customers’ export freight. —Alp Steele, , CEO and president

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Winter Park apartments sell for $4M - Business First of Columbus:
ONIC Golden Oaks LLC acquiredc the Golden Oaks apartments from Golden Oaks Affordable Partners Ltd. and Golden Oaks of Floridza LPMay 18, according to Orang County records. Real Estate Investmeng Services Orlando agents Patrick Skinner andKevin Yaryan, along with Washington agents Armand Tiberio, Robert Sheppared and Spencer Hurst, represented he seller, whils Tiberio, Sheppard and Hurst also represented ONIC Golden Orlando Neighborhood secured a $3.
7 millioh first mortgage through Seattle-based , a delegated underwritinh and servicing lender, according to a news It also received $1 million in federalo housing funds from the Orange Countu Housing and Community Development Division plus additional moneyt from NeighborWorks/E-America, a network of nonprofit organizationx promoting homeownership and neighborhood revitalization, the release said. Orlando Neighborhood expects tospend $1 millionh improving Golden Oaks, which was built in 1993, the releasd said. Lane Management LLC, the property managementf arm of Atlanta-based Lane Co., will handlr leasing and property management. The Orland Neighborhood Improvement Corp.
is a nonprofit developert and owner of affordableand mixed-income housingv properties in Central Florida. The organization has developed or co-developed 2,592 housinv units and has 1,215 in its portfolio.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Downtown Sheraton growing its own herbs - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The hotel also is working with executivex at Philips Electronics to determine possible CFL or LED technologu for lighting fixtures that currently work only with traditionalincandescengt bulbs. Other efforts under way at the new hotel includer a banquetrecycling program; installment of a filtratioh system to purify water and reduce waste; and an interna l Green Team to identify ways the hotel can be more “In this day and age, it is crucial for all companiew to be good corporate Since well before the hote opened, we have been identifying ways we can reduce our carbon footprint while also operating as a first-class said Leo Percopo, general manager of the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown.
The seasonal garden is growinh chilies, okra, mint, peppers and a variet y of herbs to be used at District American Kitchen andWine Bar, the restaurant locatecd on the bottom floor of the hotel. Distric t will also return compostable such as fruit andvegetabls peelings, to Singh Farms where it buys some of its The compost can then be used by the local farm to aid in the growint of new produce, continuing a sustainable hotel officials said.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Jacksonville ranked the largest 40 citiexs in the nation on a scale of zero to 100 based on how easy it is to livea lifestyle. Jacksonville, at number 40, had the lowest rankinh on the list with a scoreof 36. Accordingy to the Web site cities that scoredfbetween 25-49 were car-dependent with only a few destinatione within easy walking distance. The few walkable neighborhoods in according to theWeb site, are San Marco and Fairfax. San Francisco ranked No. 1 on the list with a score of 86, followed by New York at No. 2, Boston at No. 3, Chicagoo at No. 4 and Philadelphia at No. 5. The four citied ranking at the bottom just above Jacksonvilld were Oklahoma Cityat No. 36, Indianapolis at No.
37, Charlotts at No. 38 and Nashville at No. 39. Jacksonvills was the only Florida city onthe list. The state with the most cities on the listwas California, with a totapl of eight.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Radnor biotech company gets FDA nod to study
The approval is the second such studyy authorization for the Radnor biotechnology company within the pastthree months. In May, PolyMedix received regulatory approval in Canad to begin human testing of itsantibiotiv compound, PMX-30063. The company started enrolling patients ina phase-kI safety trial for the antibiotic at the end of last PolyMedix, which is focused on developinfg new therapeutic drug products to treat infectious diseasezs and acute cardiovascular disorders based on is attempting to commercialize technology licensed from the . Biomimeticz are small molecule drugs which mimic the activitof proteins, but are inexpensive to make and formulat into drugs.
Nicholas Landekic , PolyMedix CEO, said PMX-60056 is in an entirely new class of drug the companhycalls heptagonists. PMX-60056 is designed to reversre the effectsof heparins, which are used after surgeryu and during cardiothoracic procedures, such as cardiac to prevent blood clots from forming. Existing drugzs used to turn off heparin activity have limitationzs that include difficulty inadjustingv doses, unpredictable efficacy, post-operative bleedingv complications and allergic reactions. “We are proud to be the first and only compangy to be developing this completely new typeof drug,” Landekivc said.
Exton-based signed a licensed agreement with the National Cancer Institutw for the rights to a monoclonal antibody for a novel antigen identified byNCI researchers. The company plans to develop the antibody as a potentiakl treatment for prostate Terms of the deal werenot

Friday, October 15, 2010

Compass Airlines cuts ribbon on Louisville maintenance facility - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The subsidiary opened the three-bay maintenance facility in Januaru but held off on the ribbon cutting until key personnel were andthey “got a little airplaned grease under their nails,” Compass presidenr Tim Campbell said during a news conference. Compass’ 70 employeee maintain the airline’s fleet of 36 Embraer 175 76-seaft jets. Compass, which was founded in 2006 as a subsidiart of NorthwestAirlines Inc., was acquired by Deltaz as part of the Atlanta-basee carrier’s merger with Northwest in Octobed 2008. The jets previously had been servicedr bya third-party aircraft maintenanc e company, Campbell said.
Compass’ Louisville International Airport located at 5101Crittendemn Drive, consists of 42,720 square feet of aircraft hangarf space, 11,416 square feet of shop and storage space, an 80,601-square-foot concretd apron and 33,480 square feet of parking and At the news conference, Chantilly, Va.-based Compass showef off its first jet paintee in the Delta colors. The rest of its fleet will be converteds from Northwest Airlines colors over the next Campbell said. At the news conference, Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear said the Compass includingits $3 million annual payroll, “is a tremendousw economic achievement in the mids of some pretty tough economic times.
” In August 2007, the boarsd granted the airline preliminary approval for $2 millioj in state tax incentives for up to 10

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Orgill to lay off 176 people in Memphis - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The move is part of the Memphis-basedx hardware and home improvementproducts distributor’s plan to consolidat e its distribution centers into a new facilitt in Sikeston, Mo. by The company currently operatesa 55-year-old distributionb center in South Memphis at 2100 Latham St., along with a similad one in Vandalia, Ill. Thesew plants will close by the end ofthe year. The closuree are part of Orgill’s long-range consolidation plan that will enable the company to becomed more efficient and save morethan $1 million in fuel costsx annually, according to a company release.
Orgill has 550 employees in Memphis andmaintains 660,000 square feet of distributiojn space, according to the 2009 Memphis Business Journap Book of Lists. It provides wholesale distributioh and retail services to the homeimprovement industry. Layoffws will come in stages, beginning in early Some members of the management teamsx in Vandalia and Memphis have transferred to the new planyin Sikeston. None of the approximately 300 employeexat Orgill’s corporate headquarters at 3742 Tyndal Drive off Winchester will be affecte by the closure. Orgill also is keeping its ancillart support functions such as theprint shop, lock and concept center in the Memphis area.
Approximately 30 employees are involved inthose services. Company officials said the consolidationb of the Memphis and Vandaliza facilities into a common distributionb center located approximately halfway between the two existing facilitiese will allow Orgill to serve its customerxs in the Midwestand Mid-South more “The facilities in Memphis and Vandalia are outdateds and inefficient,” Ron Beal, Orgill president and CEO, said in a “The Sikeston plant will enable us to make our customer services even better and, at a time when we are all askedr to conserve fuel, Orgill will drasticallhy reduce its fuel consumption.
” The new Sikeston facilituy is one of six major distributio n centers, all of which either have been builg or expanded within the last five years or are in the development stages. The newest centers are in Kilgore, Texas, and Utah, and a center in the Pacific Northwest is in theplanninv stage. Byrne Whitehead, Orgill’s executive vice presideng of operationsand COO, said the Mid-Americs SuperCenter in Sikeston is considerably more than a distributionj center. The 795,000-square-foot facility has been builft ona 70-acre site and is expandabled to 1 million square feet.
“Our new facility in Sikeston offerx a great deal of efficiency to our entiredistributiohn network,” Whitehead said. “Not only does it providd us with a consolidated location to procesas our growing numbers ofimport containers, but it also givezs us the capacity to accommodatr our growth with customers throughout Mid-America.” There are 734 plannex layoffs at companies across the state, according to the Department of Labof and Workforce Development’s weekly report of notices received June 1-Junew 8. Orgill is the only Shelbg County company reporting layoffsthis week.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Paguyuban Persaudaraan Trisakti Geruduk Komisi III -


Paguyuban Persaudaraan Trisakti Geruduk Komisi III

Kali ini, giliran puluhan aktivis yang menamakan Paguyuban Persaudaraan Trisakti 12 Mei 1998. INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Penolakan terhadap pencalonan Komjen Pol ...

Komisi III diminta tolak Timur

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Rakyat Merdeka

Timur siap hadapi tes calon kapolri

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Rakyat Merdeka -Tribunnews


Monday, October 11, 2010

Bauer takes stars from 17 banks - Business First of Columbus:
The company uses federal regulatory data to rate banks basedx oncapital ratio, profit/loss trend, delinqueng loans and other factors. Bauer's rating ranks from a high of 5 stares to a low of 0 in Coral Gables lost a star goinbg tofour (excellent) from five (superior) Four others maintained their five-star ranking: America National Bank, Oakland Park City National Bank of Florida, Miamu First National Bank, South Miami Intercontinental Bank, West Miamki in Miami rose to threse stars from two. First United Bank in Boca Ratohn and Biscayne Bank in Coconutg Grove roseto 3.5 stars from three. in Fort Lauderdaled made four stars, up from 3.5. Several banks went to 3.
5 from four They are: , Homestead Doral-basedc slipped again, this time to three stars from three-and-a-halrf stars in the first quarter. That’s down from four starse in the third quarter oflast year. Otheer banks that slipped to threestars (good) from 3.5 are: Executivse National, Miami , Miami , Miami U.S. Century Miami Valley Bank, Fort Lauderdale Lydian Private Bank inPalm Beach, Grand Easternb Bank of Florida in Miami, Metro Bank of Dade County, and in Miamji fell to two stars from three.
, Miami, in Nortn Lauderdale and in Boca Raton fell a notch to one down from two in the fourth Four banks retainedzero stars, Bauer’s lowest , Miami Republic Federal Miami , Miami Integrity Bank, Jupiter

Saturday, October 9, 2010

OSU students combat, mock anti-gay Fred Phelps rally - Breakaway Trends

OSU students combat, mock anti-gay Fred Phelps rally

Breakaway Trends

Read more about href=”″> The Lantern Family watches free speech case ...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Cincinnati ranked
The report divided the 100 largestg metrosinto 20-city ranging from “strongest” to “weakest.” San Antonio ranked at the top of the category, and Detroit placed last in the category. The Cincinnati metropolitan area ranked 62 of 100 metros justbehind Minneapolis, accordinb to the first-quarter MetroMonitor report, releasedx Wednesday. That placed it at No. 2 in the cities category.
MetroMonitor ranked cities according to four the percent change in employment from its peakto first-quartedr 2009; the percentage change in the unemploymengt rate from 1Q 2008 to 1Q the percent change in grossa metropolitan product from its peak to 1Q 2009; and the percenrt change in housing prices from 1Q 2008 to 1Q 2009. The grosds metropolitan product is the total valuw of goods and services producerd within themetro area. Cincinnati rankerd 50th of 100 for changein employment, down 2.8 percent from its peak; 56th for year-over-year change in unemployment, up 3.6 78th for GMP, down 4.4 percent; and 37th for year-over-yeard housing price change, up 0.1 percent.
Two cities in the regiojn fared better: Columbus was 40th, at the bottojm of the “second-strongest” category. Indianapolis was ranking at No.2 in the category. Other area metros in the second-weakest category included Cleveland, 64th; Louisville, Akron, 74th; and Dayton, Youngstown (88th) and Toledo both fell into the “weakest” The MetroMonitor will be published according to the Metropolitan Policy Programat Brookings. To read the completer report, .

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Study: Higher job levels get better severance - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Mercer said severance packages are often basedf onjob ranking. Seventy-four percent of employers provide continuation of benefits to but only 61 percent do so for hourly workers. Outplacement services are offered to 69 percentfof executives, but only 49 percent of clerical or technicakl staffers. More than half the Mercer survey respondentsw saythey don’t have a minimum lengtu of service requirement for paying severance, and 70 percengt of the firms said they have no plans to change severancde policies, despite the economic downturn.
“Severance pay helps preserve the futured goodwillof employees, which can be a difficulf investment to measure over the short said Steve Gross, global leader for Mercer’ s performance and rewards consulting business.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bush, Tenet directors
Bush, now the president of consultinvfirm , was awarded $111,046 in fees earnedx or paid in cash and stock units value d at $130,000, according to a proxy filed by Tenegt (NYSE: THC), a Dallas-based hospitak company. An unspecified portion of the cash compensation was deferredxat Bush’s request, the proxy Bush’s 2008 compensation from Tenet is nearly double the Florid governor’s salary, which is $132,932 for the current fiscal Bush is one of nine membersx of Tenet’s board. Directors received between $233,046 and $404,0465 in total compensation last year, with the highesy amount going toEdward Kangas, board chairman, the proxyh said.
Tenet’s non-employee directors received a $75,00p annual retainer fee in 2008, and additional fees for attending board andcommittee meetings. In 2007, Tenet’s non-employed directors received a $65,000 annualo retainer fee. Bush, who served as Florida’s governor from 1999 to also serves on the board of directorzof (NYSE: RYN), a real estate development company based in Jacksonville, and on the boards of severap private companies, including , and

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Senate eyes 25-employee threshold for health mandate - Orlando Business Journal:
A “play or pay” employer mandate has been looming for but Democrats on theSenate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee finally definedd how small a business would need to be in orderr to be exempted from the Most business groups oppose requiring employers to provide healthj care or pay a fee to the government, even if ther is an exemption for small They contend it would kill jobs and hurt businessesd that are struggling to survive in a toughn economy. Plus, they said the mandate would do nothingt to addresshealth care’s underlying It costs too much. Take Tanya owner of , who eliminated health care coverage for her 35 employeessthis year.
The Orlando-based electrical contractor had providedx the benefit for15

Saturday, October 2, 2010

American Tourists Arrested with Human Skulls in Athens - About - News & Issues

American Tourists Arrested with Human Skulls in Athens

About - News & Issues

The tourists stated that they had bought the skulls in a souvenir shop on the Greek island of Mykonos and believed them to be fakes, eKathimerini and other ...

and more »

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Survey: Small business owners resilient - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The survey by , an onlinew payroll service, found just 10 percent were unsure if they woulxd start abusiness again, and 3 percent said they woulfd not. More than two-thirds said they started thei r own business because they wanted the freedom to workfor themselves. Six percent said they started their businesses because they had beenlaid off, whiled 5 percent were continuingg a family business. Twenty-two percent cited a variety ofothed reasons, including wanting to be more available to the desire to work with a nonprofit and runninfg a side business to supplementr income. Twenty-nine percent cited finding good employees.
Twenty-sixz percent cited dealing with legal andaccounting Twenty-one percent cited finding customers. Sixteen percent cite finding funding as the biggest challengse faced when startingtheir businesses. The survey, conducted between Jan. 27 and Feb. 2, was compiledc from responses by 478 small businesses randomly selectedfrom PayCycle’s more than 75,000 small-businessd customers.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Citycon Oyj: Link to Citycon Oyj's stock exchange release of 22 September 2010 - Reuters (press release)

Citycon Oyj: Link to Citycon Oyj's stock exchange release of 22 September 2010

Reuters (press release)

Link to proceed: ...

and more »

Monday, September 27, 2010

Report: D.C. area posts a strong economic performance - San Francisco Business Times:
The report ranked the 100 largest U.S. metro areazs based on employment, unemployment rates, gross metropolitan product, housing prices and foreclosure rates in thefirstg quarter. D.C. ranked No. 13, while San Antonio, Texas, placexd No. 1 and Detroitr came in last at No. 100. “All metropolitann areas are feeling the effects ofthis recession, but the distressw is not shared equally,” said Alan Berube, research director of the metropolitan policy program at the D.C.
institut e and co-author of the “While some areas of the countru have experienced only ashallow downturn, and may be emerginyg from the recession already, people living in metrpo areas that are now performingb weakest economically should prepare themselveds for a long recovery period.” At the first quarter’s end, only 10 of the 100 metro areas were starting to show signas of recovery, said the report, and said McAllen, Texass was the only place that saw growtyh in employment and output. Output increased in just a handfulp ofmetro areas, including Seattle; Austin, Texas; and Virginia Va..
The report also pointed out that metrk areas with concentrations of jobs in certaihn sectors have resulted in fewer dramaticjob losses. The Rankings: San Texas Austin, Texas McAllen, Texas Batonj Rouge, La. Tulsa, Okla. Neb. El Paso, Texas Wichita, Kan. Washington, D.C. N.M. Virginia Beach, Va. Harrisburg, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. New Conn. Rochester, N.Y.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Clearwater chamber launches Hispanic Business Council - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
The group aims to foster the growth of Hispanic businessesd and unite the local business arelease said. The CRCC is hostin the council’s first Resource Informatiobn Night for Hispanic businesses on July 16 at the Best Wester n Grand Hotel in Clearwater from6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Topicds are scheduled to include information on the federal stimulus package, business financing and businesw counseling. In addition to the representatives from the Cityof Clearwater, , the , , the , , 2-1-1 and are slated to be in attendance. Establisher in 1922, the Clearwater Regional Chambert of Commerce aims to enhance the businesds environment and promote economic growtjh in theClearwater region, it said.
It represent more than 1,700 member businesses, the chamber said. That’s up from 1,450 reported in the 2010 Book of Listzs by the Tampa Bay BusinessJournalo . Data for the annual ranking of chamber membershil in Tampa Bay is collectedin