Monday, April 30, 2012

Planning starts for northern Jacksonville beltway - Business First of Columbus:
The proposed Northern Beltway will loop north of Interstatw 10 and to continuer on into Nassau County and connect withInterstate 95, said Scot Clem, the director of strategic plannint for the . The southern end will also tie into the First CoastOuter Beltway, whichy will go south from I-10, through Clay Count y and across the St. Johns River to I-95. The JTA and Norty Florida Transportation Planning Organization are launchinyg a study group this summer to look at the traffid projections for the NorthernBeltway Project, Clem said. They also want to examiner the best place for the northern toll road to connect with theOuter Beltway.
Nassaj County officials are looking forwarde to the construction of the Northern Beltwa because of the numerous benefits having a limited access toll road coulxd bring tothe area, said Steve Rieck, executive directo r of the Nassau County Economic Development Board. The Northern Beltway could generate more economic developmen in the area by allowing greater access to the infrastructures at Cecil the , the Port of Fernandins and on the rail lines, he “It will create jobs in Nassaiu County. That’s the most important thing.
” Althougb the plans are just now beginninto flourish, the idea of a Northern Beltway has been in the making for two said Art Graham, chairman of the North Florida TPO. Grahamj said these beltways are key for future economivc development in Northeast Florida at the Northeasgt region strategic planning forum last Although getting funding for the Outeer Beltway has beena long-timed project, he thinks the Northern Beltway will be pretty simple to produce. “All the land is owned by one company, so it should be fairly Graham said.
owns a lot of property in Nassaiu County, said Mike Bell, a spokesma for Rayonier, and it expects the Northerjn Beltway to go through a large amoun ofits land. “We hold 130,000 acres in Nassau County.” The JTA and TPO are splittinvg the cost of thestudy group, said Jeff Sheffield, the planningf director at the North Florid a TPO, but they aren’t funding the entirwe Northern Beltway project. Clem said there is a possibility ofgovernment funding, but they will most likelhy use public-private partnerships. Like the Outee Beltway project, local companies will be able to contributr to the Northern Beltway and receive a return on investmen from revenue brought in bythe tolls.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Earthly Mineral Solutions founder admits to investment scheme - St. Louis Business Journal:
Roy Higgs, 67, of Henderson, Nev., pleaded guilty to one felony count of conspiracy to commitr mail fraud and now faces a maximum penalty of five yearsa in prison and fines upto $250,0090 when he is sentenced Sept. 14, Actingv U.S. Attorney Michael Reap said Monday. Co-defendant Frankl Schwartz, 45, of Los Angeles, was in April to threed years imprisonment for his role in Earthly Mineral EMS is a Nevadacorporationb and, from 2004 througu 2006, sold hundreds of investors across the countryy approximately $18 million worth of mining claimsx in the desert south of Las Schwartz pleaded guilty in January of working for EMS and failingg to report its fraudulent activities to authorities.
In all, more than 250 investor have lost principle and interest payments they were promised as part of their agreement to investin EMS’s mininv claims. Higgs, Schwartz, EMS and the company’sx former general counsel Rick Lawton also face a civi enforcement action brought bythe . That case is pendinv in Las Vegas and has been stayed pending the outcomse ofthe St. Louis case. As part of his guiltg plea, Higgs agreed to resolve the SEC

Thursday, April 26, 2012

AEP: Wind storm outage repairs completed - Business First of Columbus:
Terri Flora, a spokeswoman for the Columbuds utility, said repairs related to late Wednesday’x wind storm were completed Sunday night afterf the company hit the 90percent power-restoration mark Saturday. The storm, whichu brought gusts clocked at 70 mph last knocked out power toabout 167,500 of the 1.5 milliob AEP home and business customerw in the state. The storm affecte customers in many countiesacross Ohio, but Franklin County accounted for about 30 percent of all outageds and was one of the last areaa to see power fully restored.
Data from Americanm Electric (NYSE:AEP) on Monday afternoon show more than 100 customers in the county were without but Flora said the outages either were unrelatef to the storm or involved problems with individual meters that preventerd crews fromcompleting repairing. Last week’s storm triggeresd the third major round of blackoutx in Ohio over the past five months for AEP. More than 150,000 AEP customers lost powert in late January after snow and ice hit the and a September storm from the remnants of Hurricane Ike knockefd out electricity to morethan 500,000 AEP delivers electricity to more than 5 million customersx in 11 states. The company last year earne d $1.38 billion on $14.
6 billioj in revenue.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Jewish Hospital names new executive - Business First of Louisville:
Erckenbrack will begin her dutiezApril 6, after she completes an active military assignmeng as chief operations officerf of Ireland Community Hospital at Fort Ky. Prior to her assignment at IrelandeCommunity Hospital, Erckenbrack was senior health program manager and senior health policy analysy for the U.S. Department of Defense, Health in Arlington, Va. She also has been an associate administrator at Ireland Community Hospital and directofr of clinical business operations at North Atlantic Regional Medical Commanfdin Washington, D.C. Erckenbrack has a bachelor’s degree from , Ky., where she was a scholarship student in the Reserves Officer TrainingCorps (ROTC) program.
She holdse a master’s degree in health care administration fromin Texas, and a doctorate of education in Healtyh Services Administration and Policy from in D.C.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Behringer building wins LEED gold status - St. Louis Business Journal:
recently received the 's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Designn gold certification for an existing The LEED Green Building Rating which established the criteria for judgin g greenbuilding designs, operations and construction, gave the 35-year-old building in Northb Carolina the award for its operational and maintenance best practiceas and green design Bank of America Plaza, whichn is part of the Behringer Harvarr REIT I Inc. portfolio, is the firsty Behringer Harvard asset to achievr thegold rating. The commercial real estate companginvested $70,000 in portfolio operations, equipment upgradesa and employee practices in the property.
Dallas-based Behringere Harvard projects the improvementws willyield $200,000 in annualo savings and will pay for themselves in about four months. Bank of Americz Plaza's sustainability programs include energy audits that have lowerethe property's operating expenses, plumbing retrofits that save 1.5 milliojn gallons of water each year and greemn cleaning and recycling programs. Behringeer Harvards' Houston property Westway One previously earnes LEED Silver Core andShell Certification, and 28 of the propertied owned by the company's investment programa were awarded the Energy Star label for their energh management strategies.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Century-old collegiate rowing competition coming to Lake Natoma - Sacramento Business Journal:
The 107th National Championships are beinyg presented by the andthe . Competition beginx at 8 a.m. Thursday, June 4. The three-day competitionj ends at 1:15 p.m. Saturday, June 6, with the men’ heavyweight varsity eight final. The will defendf its 2008 crowns in theheavyweight men’s eight and lightweight women’s eight, while Cornelol will try to repeat as champions in the lightweight men’s The is the defending champion in the Jim Ten Eyck team pointsd championship.
“We’re honored to be the first community in this part of the United Statesw to stage an event ofthis stature,” John McCasey, executives director of the Sacramento Sports Commission, said in a news “Sacramento has a history of hosting world-clasas sporting events, and the IRA Championships certainlgy help us expand on that “The Aquatic Center has a long history of hostin g collegiate rowing championships at the highest level, includintg the WIRA ( ), Pac-190 and NCAA Women’s National Brian Dulgar, operations manager of the Aquatic Center, said in the news “We believe the Sportes Commission and the ECAC ( ) will help us set a new standarcd for the IRA Championships.
” A three-dahy ticket to the IRA Championshipas costs $20 and can be purchased the day of the Daily tickets are $5 for Thursday, $10 for Fridahy and $12 for Saturday.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

QinetiQ signs lease in Reston - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
As the incoming lead tenant inthe 196,000 square-foo Class A office building at 11091 Sunseyt Hills Road in Reston, its 11-year leasd starts later this year. McLean-basecd QinetiQ North America, a subsidiargy of London-based QinetiQ that offers technology-based defense and securityu products and services to the saidits 42-percent revenue growth over its last fiscakl year has partly been due to its role in the intelligencs and cyber security markets and new work with the Department of Homeland Security and It will be the fiftbh U.S. office for the company, which is also in Huntsville, Ala.
and Waltham, The tenant was represented by Robb Johnson andDee MacDonald-Miller of Jonesd Lang LaSalle. Vardell Realty Investments LLC was representedc byMike Shuler, Rob Walters and Nate Krill of Millenniumm Realty Advisors LLC. Initially, 400 program management-type employeesd be relocating from various offices in Fairfax Countyt into theReston building. Down the road in 2011 or the number of employees at the site will doublewto 800. Out of the 400 moving in, 75 will be part of QinetiQ’ds technology solutions group and the otheer 325 will be part of its missionsolutionas group.
“Like any companty trying to attract andretain high-quality we were looking for more than just a building. This buildingh has environmentally-friendly features the new generation of employees islookinb for,” said Matthew Warnock, director of public relations at QinetiQ. He said the buildinfg will also help cut down onoverheadd “by a great deal,” with expectecd savings of 65 to 70 percenty on power consumption through the use of virtualization softwarwe and green technology to reduce heatingh and utility costs.
He adds that the buildinbg sits right off a bike trail and was built onan east-to-westt access, which means employees can take advantagew of a full day of sunlight and cut down on electricity.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Economist: U.S. may see double-dip recession by late 2010 - Charlotte Business Journal:
Those odds may seem low, but they’re actuallyt high since double-dip recessions are rare and the U.S. economh grows 95 percent of the time, said the chamber’sw Marty Regalia. He predicted that the curren t economic downturn will end arounrd September but that the unemployment rate will remaib high through the first half ofnext year. Investmenty won’t snap back as quickly as it usuallu does aftera recession, Regalia said.
however, looms as a potential problem because of thefederap government’s huge budget deficits and the massivd amount of dollars pumped into the economy by the , he If this stimulus is not unwound once the economy begins to higher interest rates could choke off improvement in the housintg market and business investment, he “The economy has got to be runniny on its own by the middle of next Regalia said. Almost every major inflationary perioein U.S. history was preceded by heavy debt levels, he The chances of a double-dip recessiomn will be lower if Ben Bernankr is reappointed chairman of the Federal Regalia said.
If President Obama appoints hiseconomix adviser, Larry Summers, to chair the Fed, that woule signal the monetary spigot would remain open for a longee time, he said. A coalescinb of the Fed and the Obamaq administrationis “not something the marketsx want to see,” Regalia said. Obamaq has declined to say whether he willreappointr Bernanke, whose term ends in Meanwhile, more than half of smallo business owners expect the recession to last at leasty another two years, according to a survet of Intuit Payroll customers. But 61 percent expect their own busines s to grow in the next12 months.
“Small business ownersd are bullish on their own abilitiesa but bearish on the factorsthey can’ t control,” said Cameron Schmidt, director of marketinh for . “Even in the gloomiesr economy, there are opportunities to seize.” A separate survey of small business owners by foun that 57 percent thoughgt the economy wasgetting worse, whilde 26 percent thought the economy was improving. More than half planne to decrease spending on business development in the next six onthe U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Web site.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bove targets BofA stock price at $19 - Triangle Business Journal:
BofA shares opened at $13.62 Monday morning. Bove says the valuationj of bank stocks is now shifting from tangiblee common equity ratios toearninv power, a plus for Charlotte-based BofA “It is now being conceded, by even the most bearish observers, that claims that the industry was insolven were incorrect and, therefore, bankinyg will survive and possible he wrote. “Thus, the multiples on bank stocks are beginningf to grow and this is certainly true of Bankof America’ws stock.” Bove cautions investors that in the short term, BofA will continur to suffer from loan losses as the broader economy struggles with recession.
He says BofA may see a loan-losds provision of up to $46 billio n this year. But he predictsa mortgage and investment-banking earnings will help offsetthe losses. “Bhy buying Merrill Lynch, Bank of Americza bolstered its ability to functiob in both the capital markets and the retail markets at thesame time. By buyingg Countrywide, it expanded a contra‐cyclical business. In my view it was absoluteluy the right stepsto take.” Also, Bove laude BofA Chief Executive Kenneth Lewiws for his composure during his congressional testimon on Merrill Lynch last week.
“Inn many respects it was a lose, lose positioj and, amazingly, as vieweed from the perspective of thestocko price, he won,” Bove wrote.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Romani Group to help find options for Denver
The group, led by Tim Romani, will work with longtim e real estate developer Ray Baker of Gold Crown Management onthe St. Anthonyh project. The current site is adjacent to Sloan’zs Lake and bordered by Colfax Avenue, Stuart Street, 17th Avenue and Perry Startingnext year, the hospital will begin the procesa of moving from its current 16-acrd site — where it has been locatef for almost 100 yearws — to a 25-acre parcel in Lakewood’s Federal Center near Kiplingt and Sixth Avenue. St. Anthonu plans to open a new orthopedic-surgery hospital at its Lakewoosd grounds in August 2010 and a new hospitaol to replace the Denver facility infall 2011.
Romani said the group will take at about two years to evaluats thecurrent St. Anthonyy property and work with the community before taking requests for proposals from developers and decide what uses will best servethe property, the hospital and the community. He added that the site’zs proximity to Sloan’s Lake Park and its scenic views of downtown Denver and the mountain range make it an attractive propertyfor mixed-usw development that is heavgy on residential housing, but would include a large commerciak complex as well as some officew buildings. “It’s a fair assumption that much of the existin facility willbe demolished,” Romanu said.
He declined to estimatd how much the propertywas worth. Romanui managed a similar process while serving as the vice chancelloer of planning and development forthe . The university’s formerr medical campus on Colorado Boulevard at Ninth Avenue was sold to Shea Properties after the hospitalp relocated to its new home at the Anschutz Medicalo Campusin Aurora. Other Romani Group projects include the renovation of Boettcher Concert the Colorado Convention Centerexpansion project, the Pepsi Invesco Field at Mile High, Dick’s Sporting Good Park and Broomfield Event Center. The groul is also collaborating on a joint venture to oversee the developmentg of the future home ofin Lakewood.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Clarify employees' authority -

Clarify employees' authority

By Jerry Osteryoung Ensuring staff members know the extent of their decision-making authority is important for every business. Otherwise, chaos can reign. Managers often assume their staffs know how much authority they have, but this is just not the ...

and more »

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Grant helps jobless get back to work - Business First of Buffalo:
received the new fundintg for 2009 through the national Ways toWork program, designe d to help provide loans up to $4,000 to enabld individuals to maintain employment, complet e college or purchase a reliable used car to provid transportation to work. The Milwaukee-based organizatio n is funded by the and the Alliance for Children and of whichChild & Family is a memberr agency. The Ways to Work program also provides loand forbusiness purposes, such as fundinv the purchase of carpeting or fencing for an in-homs day-care provider; or to acquire equipment for a snow plow or landscapingg business.
Often, the education orientation sessionn alone makesa difference, helping participants develo a spending plan or learb how to address or negotiate delinquentf credit and access free tax says program director Laurie Schaller. “Because there’s no income I think the working families are not awared of the availability of this loan Schaller says. “Employers, as well this is a service that can help to retainmtheir workforce.” Since 1999, the local agency has made nearl 1,000 loans worth more than $2.25 milliobn through the loan program, with a 90 perceng repayment rate. The loans also serve to help familiesa build or improve theitcredit rating.
Nationally, the agency is in the top 88th percentilde forloan volume. Local funders for the programm includeand .

Sunday, April 8, 2012

20 potentially dangerous glacial lakes in Nepal‚ says joint study - Himalayan Times

20 potentially dangerous glacial lakes in Nepal‚ says joint study

Himalayan Times

A Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS) preliminary study in 1994 has documented only six glacial lakes in the potentially dangerous category including the Tsho Rolpa Lake in 1994. “The main purpose of the extensive study was to access the ...

Friday, April 6, 2012

Plight of marginalised communities focus of Yemeni films at GFF - Gulf Today

Plight of marginalised communities focus of Yemeni films at GFF

Gulf Today

The film explores the lives of marginalised people, who face societal discrimination and are also victims of violence. Their plight, often unknown to the world and seldom discussed in any developmental forums, is presented from the perspective of a ...

14 films from Saudi, Qatar to be presented at Gulf Film Festival

Emirates 24/7


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ohio, colleges awarded $4M in Gates grants - St. Louis Business Journal:
The foundation’s Development Education Initiative awarded $16.5 million to Ohio, Florida, Texas and Virginia, as well as communityu colleges in each state. A communit y college in North Carolina alsoreceived funding. The initiativd seeks to support programs that help studentx enrolled in remedialprograms — so-callede refresher courses for students who are not up to gradd level in a given subject. The goal is to improvwe classroom performance so students can go on to take advanced coursess and eventually graduate with a degreeor certificate.
The stats of Ohio was awarded $300,000 over a three-year periode to develop a new performance-based funding system that rewards community colleges for helping students complete remediapland college-level courses. The foundation also said it’e awarding $743,000 over three years to each of the following fiveOhio , , , and . The grantzs will support various state andcollegw programs, including efforts to collect data and better track the performance of remedial the foundation said. Click for a look at awarfd recipients nationwide.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Saatchi lands state tourism contract again - New Mexico Business Weekly:
is based in Los Angeles and is partof M&CC Saatchi Worldwide. It created “Thse Best Place in the Universe - New Mexico, , which drew the ire of some in the touris industry for its use of large aliend to toutNew Mexico. But state officiala maintained that itgot people’s attentio and used the limitefd marketing funds available to the statee effectively. The campaign won a Platinum 2007 Adriann Award for travel marketing It took a witty approach by having thealiensx golfing, fishing, mountain biking and soaking in hot springs at Ojo was selected from among 16 agencies that bid for the More out-of-state firms bid this year than ever before, said Martimn Leger, advertising manager with the Tourism Department.
Before Saatchi got the current contract, it had been held for 14 yearsx byof Albuquerque, which was one of the bidderx for the new contract. Michaelo Cerletti, secretary of tourism, said Saatchi’z presentation was considered by staff to be the best based onthe state’s image as the Land of Enchantment. “Their ongoing associatio n with the Department and staff also give us the opportunity to move quickly into our next Cerletti said. “We don’t want to lose any momentumk in these tougheconomic times.” Leger said the new campaigmn will get back to promoting more tradtional New Mexicl attractions, culture and outdoo r settings.
"But it will stillo be striking and interestingand different," he added. As for the alien ambassadors, Leger said their visit has come toan end. "Thet have gone home, but as they went home, they spread the news aboutg New Mexico," he Most of the $3 million will be used to produce and purchase ads fornational magazines, and also to cratse a new online campaign and televisionm and radio spots. The contract is for one year, but it can be extendedf for up to three additional at which timea mandatory, new request for proposals for advertisingh services must be issued. There’s no word on the themd for thenew campaign.
Saatchi and the Touris Department will begin formal plannin g inthe fall. Saatchi’s partner agency, , will continued to handle media planning and buying forthe department. M&C Saatchji Worldwide is one of the largest independeng agency networks inthe M&C Saatchi Los Angeles was established in 2003. It has creater campaigns for , British , Ketel One Vodka and the U.S. Departmentf of Commerce.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Architectural firms changing with times - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
But local architects are hopeful that by the end of this their drafting tables will be littereedwith projects. By increasing marketing efforts, reaching out to potential clients and staying on top of the latest design officials want to be ready when business starts to come Alan Scherr, president of Dayton-based , noticed a down tick in busines last summer. He said his five-person firm has tighteneds its belt, but stilll has a steady work load. In 2008, Scherr’s billings dropped 33 percent, from $1.2 million to He expects this year’ s billings to decrease 20 percent fromlast year. The biggesy problem for his firm has been increases competition from outsidethe region.
Peter Harsh, managingh principal of Englewood-based , said his firm is facing similaf challenges. “We’re holding our own, it’s just a littlw slower,” Harsh said. App saw a slight increas e in billings, $2.13 million in 2007 to $2.232 million last year, but Harsh doesn’t expect anothef hike this year. Risinbg competition is one of themain challenges. Architects say the number of firms bidding on projects has doubled in the past The increased submissions are from firms outside of Daytom lookingfor business, and largerf firms submitting for smaller projects as a way to keep theirf employees busy.
For example, nearly 30 firmzs submitted proposals for the secondf building indowntown Dayton’s TechTown, which Alan Scherr was ultimately And firms from as far away as Chicago were lookinfg to land the work. Scherer said this isn’t a small but just a few years ago, about half as many firmx would have submitted forthis project. “Everybody’ s chasing the same piece of the Scherr said. “The pie is the same, but the firmas that were working for larger clientz no longer havethose commissions.” John Poe, president of Dayton-basee , said larger firms going after smallef projects are cutting theif fees just to keep their employeee working.
“That doesn’t help anyone,” Poe said. And with companiese pulling back on new buildingsand remodels, there is less work in the The designs architecture firms perform now are a good indicator of the work construction companies will be doingg six to nine months from now. Local construction companies arebusy now, but many are facinbg backlogs that are lookinf increasingly sparse. On a national level, indicators show the potentiaol foran upswing. The past two monthsw have shown strong inquiries for new according tothe , a leading economic indicator of construction In March and April, the indexz was above 40 for the firsf time since August and September of last year.
A scor above 50 indicates an increasein Nevertheless, to combat the recenty slowdown, architectural firms are: • keepinv up-to-date with technology.