Thursday, September 30, 2010

Survey: Small business owners resilient - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The survey by , an onlinew payroll service, found just 10 percent were unsure if they woulxd start abusiness again, and 3 percent said they woulfd not. More than two-thirds said they started thei r own business because they wanted the freedom to workfor themselves. Six percent said they started their businesses because they had beenlaid off, whiled 5 percent were continuingg a family business. Twenty-two percent cited a variety ofothed reasons, including wanting to be more available to the desire to work with a nonprofit and runninfg a side business to supplementr income. Twenty-nine percent cited finding good employees.
Twenty-sixz percent cited dealing with legal andaccounting Twenty-one percent cited finding customers. Sixteen percent cite finding funding as the biggest challengse faced when startingtheir businesses. The survey, conducted between Jan. 27 and Feb. 2, was compiledc from responses by 478 small businesses randomly selectedfrom PayCycle’s more than 75,000 small-businessd customers.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Citycon Oyj: Link to Citycon Oyj's stock exchange release of 22 September 2010 - Reuters (press release)

Citycon Oyj: Link to Citycon Oyj's stock exchange release of 22 September 2010

Reuters (press release)

Link to proceed: ...

and more »

Monday, September 27, 2010

Report: D.C. area posts a strong economic performance - San Francisco Business Times:
The report ranked the 100 largest U.S. metro areazs based on employment, unemployment rates, gross metropolitan product, housing prices and foreclosure rates in thefirstg quarter. D.C. ranked No. 13, while San Antonio, Texas, placexd No. 1 and Detroitr came in last at No. 100. “All metropolitann areas are feeling the effects ofthis recession, but the distressw is not shared equally,” said Alan Berube, research director of the metropolitan policy program at the D.C.
institut e and co-author of the “While some areas of the countru have experienced only ashallow downturn, and may be emerginyg from the recession already, people living in metrpo areas that are now performingb weakest economically should prepare themselveds for a long recovery period.” At the first quarter’s end, only 10 of the 100 metro areas were starting to show signas of recovery, said the report, and said McAllen, Texass was the only place that saw growtyh in employment and output. Output increased in just a handfulp ofmetro areas, including Seattle; Austin, Texas; and Virginia Va..
The report also pointed out that metrk areas with concentrations of jobs in certaihn sectors have resulted in fewer dramaticjob losses. The Rankings: San Texas Austin, Texas McAllen, Texas Batonj Rouge, La. Tulsa, Okla. Neb. El Paso, Texas Wichita, Kan. Washington, D.C. N.M. Virginia Beach, Va. Harrisburg, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. New Conn. Rochester, N.Y.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Clearwater chamber launches Hispanic Business Council - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
The group aims to foster the growth of Hispanic businessesd and unite the local business arelease said. The CRCC is hostin the council’s first Resource Informatiobn Night for Hispanic businesses on July 16 at the Best Wester n Grand Hotel in Clearwater from6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Topicds are scheduled to include information on the federal stimulus package, business financing and businesw counseling. In addition to the representatives from the Cityof Clearwater, , the , , the , , 2-1-1 and are slated to be in attendance. Establisher in 1922, the Clearwater Regional Chambert of Commerce aims to enhance the businesds environment and promote economic growtjh in theClearwater region, it said.
It represent more than 1,700 member businesses, the chamber said. That’s up from 1,450 reported in the 2010 Book of Listzs by the Tampa Bay BusinessJournalo . Data for the annual ranking of chamber membershil in Tampa Bay is collectedin

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Greater Phoenix CVB launches social media campaign - Baltimore Business Journal:
The first contest offers a two-night stay at the Royal Palmds Resort and Spa and a candlelift dinner for two atthe resort’s T. Cook’s. In subsequentf weeks, similar packages are expectes to be given away fromthe Ritz-Carlton Phoenix, Arizona Biltmorer Resort & Spa, InterContinental Monteluciw Resort and Spa, Fairmont Scottsdale, Sheratonj Wild Horse Pass Resort & Spa, Westin Kierland, Phoenician and Arizon a Grand. The contest is part of a sociall media marketing campaign by the Greatere Phoenix CVB that also includes a new Twitter and Flickr andYouTube videos. The blog, called the Hot Sheet, is a frequentlty updated compendiumof restaurants, shops and activities.
The video called “Phoenix Dream Days,” featuresz Phoenicians of local and national renown offeringy tours of their favoritelocal hangouts. The inaugural videol is hosted by celebrity chefMark Blog: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: Flickr:

Thursday, September 23, 2010

WCI, developer of Westshore Yacht Club, files reorganization plan - Houston Business Journal:
The company filed a plan of reorganizationh with the for the District ofDelawaree Monday, about 10 months after it Chapter 11 bankruptcy Under the plan, the company’s senior secured lenders will receive new firsf lien debt totaling $450 million, including a $150 millionj payment-in-kind component, a released said. The senior secured lenders will hold a 95 percent equityt stake in thereorganized company. The remaining 5 percentf equity stake would be sharee bythe company’s unsecured creditors.
The unsecured share would begin to increase when the new debt is fullh retired and would reach a maximum of 35 after the secured lenders have received payments ofabouyt $70 million, the amountf currently owed to the release said. The plan reflects positionse taken in lengthy negotiations but has not been approves or recommendedby creditors, the releasee said. WCI said in the release that it wantee to get a plan on file with the bankruptc y court so discussions could continue and a definitivee timeline for exit coulcdbe established.
WCI also reaffirmed an earliedr decision to suspend all Florida homebuilding new construction activities pendingmarket recovery, the releass said, although it will completde homes under construction and continue maintenance of its communities. WCI (PIN SHEETS: WCIMQ) is based in Bonita Springs but has close ties to the Tampa Bay area. WCI communitiesz in the Bay area include inHillsboroughu County, in Tampa, in Bradenton and the in

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

WNBA's Sparks ink jersey sponsorship with Farmers - Phoenix Business Journal:
Terms of the deal were not The branded jersey will be worn when the team opensx its season Saturday with a game against the defending WNBA champiomnDetroit Shock. In additionn to the jersey sponsorship, Los Angeles-based Farmers Insurancer will receive "considerable visibility" in during the Sparks' home games. "Wde are very excited to be on the cutting edge of this type of sponsorshil with a major sports franchisw in amajor market. What made it even more attractive is that the Sparkzs reach a primary demographic in our marketing strategy the women's market not only in L.A.
, but throughout our operatinf territory,” Farmers Insurance Executive Vice President and Chieg Marketing Officer Kevin Kelsl said in a statement. The move comea on the heels of anotherrWNBA team, the , inking the league's first jersey sponsorthip deal earlietr in the week with LifeLock. Jersey sponsorshi p is prevalent inoverseas sports, most notably soccer, but has not caught on amongst the major sportd in the United States. has gone the way of the overseazs counterparts withjersey sponsorship. The Los Angele s Galaxy's jersey is sponsored by and is sponsorecby . The is now allowing teams to have sponsorr patches onpractice jerseys.
The and have both been reportedlt examining suchsponsorship deals, according to media reports.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Last seconds sequence saves Blazers, Trojans fall - Kaleidoscope

Last seconds sequence saves Blazers, Trojans fall


After a dreary first half against Troy University last Saturday, the game-changing, rather game-winning moment of the night was the Ellis to Williams ...

and more »

Sunday, September 19, 2010

2009 WNY middle school rankings - St. Louis Business Journal:
Profiles of the top 25 schools can be reachee by clicking on the names of thoseschools below. A breakdowhn of the rankings for each sectio n of Western New York can be accessefdby . The following abbreviations havebeen CS-Charter School, EMS-Elementary-Middle School, ES-Elementary HS-High School, IS-Intermediate School, JHS-Juniort High School, JSHS-Junior-Senior High School, MHS-Middle-High School, MS-Middlse School, PS-Primary School, SHS-Senior High School, VHS-Vocational High School. Each schooo is followed by the name of the districtg that operatesit (if it’s a public or the district where it is locatef (if it’s a privat school). • 1. • 2. • 3. • 4. 5.
• 6. • 7. • 8. 9. • 10. • 11. • 12. 13. • 14. • 15.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Alltech appoints coordinator for Ali Center fund - Business First of Louisville:
The fund will work to alleviatse global problems relatedto education, healtyh and nutrition, disaster relief and other humanitarian efforts. The focuzs for the fund, which will attempt to raise a $500,0009 by 2010, will be education, stressin g programs that have apositive impact, promotd excellence and help individuals achieve their Sargent has extensive legal and management according to a news release. Her main role will be to servsas Alltech’s liaison for the as well as promoting charitable funding to furthere the educational and humanitarian efforts of the Ali Centee and Alltech.
Alltech and the Ali Centedr plan to pool their resourcess to produce and promote charitabled activities leading up to and coinciding with the Alltecg FEI World Equestrian Gamesin 2010. “Alltech and the Muhammad Ali Centedr are a perfect pairing because we shars the same core valueeof education, social responsibility, humanitarian involvemeng and the desire to inspire whether young or old, to achieve their potential,” said Dr. Pearsre Lyons, founder and presidenr of Alltech, in a news Alltech is a biotechnology company thatdevelopsx animal-health and nutritional products, which are distributeds in 113 countries.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

'House' Exclusive: Candice Bergen is Cuddy's mom! - Entertainment Weekly

'House' Exclusive: Candice Bergen is Cuddy's mom!

Entertainment Weekly

The comedy legend's multi-episode arc, I've learned exclusively, will kick off in November. And I'm sure I am far from the only one anticipating fireworks ...

and more »

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pioneer Drilling settles lawsuit - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The lawsuit was settled after three days of trialp inJohnson County. It was brought on behalf of the children and parents of Rhonda who was killedon Sept. 11, 2008, when oil fieldx equipment fell offa tractor-trailer and crushecd her vehicle. The tractor-trailer was owned and operateds by Pioneer DrillingServices Ltd., a division of San Antonio-baseed Pioneer Drilling (Amex: PDC). The accident occurred on FM 157 inNorth Texas. During the trial, it was based on Venus PoliceDepartment reports, that the driver of the trucmk failed to control his speedd and that the truck’s load was not properly secured.
Plaintiffs also allege that the driver was not legallh qualified to drive the truck and that documentsa in his driver qualification fileswere fabricated, falsified and backdatedr by Pioneer employees after the accident. A spokesperson for Pionee Drilling was unavailablefor comment. “We believe it was a just outcoms within our civil court system and a fair settlemenft given the facts ofthe case,” says John David Hart, a Fort Worthg attorney who represented the Henson “We believe that this settlemen will at least make companies more aware of the need for good safetuy and hiring practices and hopefully prevent anothef needless tragedy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Winter Park apartments sell for $4M - Houston Business Journal:
ONIC Golden Oaks LLC acquired the Golden Oaks apartmentsd from Golden Oaks AffordablePartnerws Ltd. and Golden Oaks of Florida LP May 18, according to Orang e County records. Real Estate Investmeny Services Orlando agents Patrick Skinner andKevin Yaryan, along with Washingtonn agents Armand Tiberio, Robert Sheppard and Spencer represented he seller, while Tiberio, Sheppard and Hurst also represented ONIC Golden Orlando Neighborhood secured a $3.7 millionh first mortgage through Seattle-based , a delegated underwritingt and servicing lender, according to a news release.
It also receivedc $1 million in federal housing funds from the Orange Counth Housing and Community Development Division plus additionap moneyfrom NeighborWorks/E-America, a network of nonprofift organizations promoting homeownership and neighborhood the release said. Orlando Neighborhood expects tospenfd $1 million improving Golden Oaks, which was built in the release said. Lane Management LLC, the property management arm of Atlanta-based Lane Co., will handlwe leasing and property management. The Orland Neighborhood Improvement Corp.
is a nonprofit developer and owner of affordablerand mixed-income housing properties in Central The organization has developed or co-developee 2,592 housing units and has 1,214 in its portfolio.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Planning process delays Lucile Packard hospital rebuild - Houston Business Journal:
CEO Christopher Dawes said delays in winningt entitlements from the city of Palo Alto are likelyu to add at least a year or two toLuciles Packard’s timetable. As a result, its estimated $1 billionh expansion project is likely to becomplete “more in 2015 or 2016, rather than 2014. “Wr have more planning to do, (but) we’re somewhaf at the mercy of the city of Palo Dawes said, indicating he’s hoping to completre the entitlement process within the next few and definitely by year end.
In mid-March, a Palo Alto City Councipl study session lookinginto Stanford’s projects came up with a “wish list of 58 it might ask the university for, accordinf to the San Jose-Silicon Valleuy Business Journal. The list included everything from a newtransity hub, an upstream water-detention basin for San Francisquitl Creek, and 594 housing units to free psychiatric servicex for homeless residents. Some city officials had concerns about the impacts on trafficand housing.
A month later, Stanford ditched plans to enhance its so it could focus on the two hugehospitalk projects, a move that could cost the city million s of dollars in anticipated tax revenus and impact fees from the shopping centert and a planned 120-room hotel. Stevejn Turner, a senior city agreed with Dawes that the entitlement process has taken far longee thananyone anticipated, citing both the need for input from various boards, commissions and the and changes by Stanford, including the need to tweak the environmentalo impact report to eliminate references to the now-defunct shoppingh center expansion, including traffic impacts.
“We were substantially complete with the EIR when the universityu pulled theshopping center” Turner said. Evaluating three overlapping projecty “just got complex,” said City Council member Greg StanfordHospital & Clinics, which alongy with Lucile Packard and Stanford’s School of Medicine makes up , is projectinf that its $2.5 billion expansion and seismicd rebuild project will take until 2015 to two years later than it had hoped. Stanfors Hospital is adding 824,000 square feet of space and 144 beds to itsexistinfg complex, resulting in a largely new 600-bef adult hospital and ER.
Lucile meanwhile, is planning a 520,000-square-foot, 200-bed addition that will add 100 beds net to itscurrentt 260-bed footprint. One hundred current beds will be decommissiones as it turns shared rooms into private That will include making all51 labor-and-delivery rooms private, versus 25 perceng today. The addition will featurre two 100-bed pavilions to be split about 50-50 between medical-surgical and intensive care along with up to seven new operating roomss and additional imaging capabilities andcath labs.
Overall, it mighgt cost less than $1 billion to do the upcominbg work “if we could put the shovel in thegrounds today,” Dawes said, becausse Packard could take advantage of steel and other constructiob costs that have dropped dramatically. “What’a holding us back is the entitlements,” he said. meanwhile, said the city “wants to make the best possiblse decision. We want to get it rightg the first time.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Jones: Cape Girardeau County Commission powerless over proposed quarries - Southeast Missourian

Jones: Cape Girardeau County Commission powerless over proposed quarries

Southeast Missourian

With community concerns growing over two possible quarries in Fruitland, Cape Girardeau County Presiding ...

and more »

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Murphy, a venture capitalist, was sworbn in Wednesday as U.S. congressman for New York’ 20th Congressional District. Murphy replaces Democrayt Kirsten Gillibrand, who became a U.S. senator in late January. Hutchins joined Advantage Capitalin 2006, served as a senio r associate and was named vice president of the Glensz Falls office in March. Before joining the New Orleans-baseds Advantage Capital, Hutchins was a product developmentf engineerfor (NYSE: AMD), and an engineerd and manager with Microelectronics. He holds a bachelor’s degree in physics from , and a bachelor’s degrees in electrical engineering anda master’s in engineeringf management from .
Advantagr Capital partners has 12 offices around the countryand $1 billionb under management. Murphy, a narrowly beat out Republican opponent James Tediscl in a March 31special election. who remains a state assemblymamnfrom Glenville, conceded the race Aprip 24. At the time, Murphy had a 400-votw edge over his opponent. The district covers part or all of six CapitallRegion counties.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Food Sunday: Food News You Can Use - Firedoglake (blog)

Food Sunday: Food News You Can Use

Firedoglake (blog)

It's been a very busy week at Chez Siberia â€" it's that time of the year, with the garden just cranking out like the devil and our trying to keep up. ...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Survey: Manufacturers eye 2010 turnaround - Birmingham Business Journal:
Forty-two percent of manufacturers said their businesseswere declining, compared to 12 percenyt a year ago. Only 9 percent of companiexs said their businesswas “thriving and down from 38 percent last year. The “2009 Manufacturingb and Wholesale Distribution National found that about 52 percent of the 923 surveu respondents plan tocut U.S. jobs in nearly double the percentags fromlast year’s survey. But only 11 percent expect to cut jobs in 2010 and 44 percent plan to add While fewer than 10 percent of respondents said they expectexd gross margins to increassein 2009, 30 percent anticipatee improvements in 2010. The onlinre survey was conducted from March 11 toApriol 13.
Bloomington, Minn.-based RSM McGladreyu is a professional services firm that provides tax and businessconsulting services.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

UnitedHealth: e-payments could save billions, help pay for health reform - Nashville Business Journal:
A report released Tuesday by the healthb insurance giant claims the systen couldsave $332 billion over the next 10 years if healt providers update their technology. Minnetonka-based UnitedHealth estimated 50 perceng of the savings would go to hospitalsand doctors, 20 percentf to the federal government’s Medicarde and Medicaid programs, and 30 percenr to commercial payers. But UnitedHealth believesx the government could institute policies to take a largedr share to help pay forreform “The resulting administrative savings could help offset the subsid cost of health care expansion for the newlyh insured,” the report said.
UnitedHealth said it drew on its expertisse as one of the largest health technology companies in the United Statesa to formulatethe estimate. The numbere only includes administrative savings, and doesn’t venture into how much could be saved in reducinf wasteful medicalcosts — what many experts have pointee to as a culprit for drivinh up costs. Much of the $332 billionj in savings would come from gettinvg rid of paper records of all typedat providers. For example, UnitedHealth estimates more than $108 billiojn would be saved in printing, postags and administrative costs by shifting payment and remittances to anelectronic format.
National information systems also could save UnitedHealth estimates morethan $47 billion could be saved if their was a national systekm to monitor and flag questionable health claims. This is the seconf major report UnitedHealth has issued amid the healthrefor debate, which President Barack Obama considerds one of his top priorities. The health insurancr giant said last month that the federalo government couldsave $540 billion in Medicarer costs over the next 10 years with its own

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Elletts lead Whips to school record - Northwest Herald


Elletts lead Whips to school record

Northwest Herald

CARPENTERSVILLE â€" Connie Ellett birdied the final two holes to take medalist honors and lead Hampshire's girls golf team to fourth place Tuesday in the ...

Muskat find the mark

Chicago Daily Herald

Hampshire's Connie Ellett wins Barrington Invite

Chicago Daily Herald

Driving toward victory

The Courier News
