Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Drexel University hires recruitment director - Sacramento Business Journal:

Nancy Thompson brings 18 years of marketingg and recruitment experience to the Drexel officials said in a newsreleases Thursday. Thompson was most recentlty the director of graduate external programs at CaliforniaStatw University, Sacramento. She also servedr as the director of the working professional masters of business administration program at the Universityof California, and was instrumental in gettinh the program established in San Thompson also was site coordinatord for the degree completion program at San Jose Christia n College’s Rocklin campus, now . “I am delighted to welcomde Nancy Thompson to theDrexel family,” Carl Oxholm III said in a news release.
He is Drexel’s seniof vice president, dean and chief executive officer of the SacramentioGraduate Center. “Nancy’s career in higher education has been focused on theworking adult,” he “She realizes first-hand how innovative Drexel’s approaches are, and how they will ensurwe that our students who face challenginf personal and professional obligations have the maximu opportunity to succeed in a nationall top-ranked master’s program.
” The 20,000-square-foot center opened in Januarhy at One Capitol Mall, and offers 10 master’as programs and one doctoral Its initial master’s programs include business higher education, information systems, and library and informatiojn science. In September, Drexel will add six master’as programs in: engineering management; nursinyg education and faculty nursing leadership in healthsystemz management; public health; science of human resource development; and a doctorate in higher educatio n administration.

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